Dutch Bros Kennewick
We are 'Guaranteed to Satisfy' and serving the Tri-Cities area with some 'Dutch Luv.' Stop by and see us today! Bringing you the best Drive Thru Coffee around! We are open 7 days a week, 24hrs a day!
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facebook.comTomorrow is our last Two Stamp Tuesday! Come party with us and get TWO stamps per drink purchased! 😍✨ #dbkennewick #twostamptuesday #partytime
There is no better way to welcome spring than with a new, BEAUTIFUL mug! ✨ This 20oz, stainless steel mug is yours for $24 and is available at all Kennewick locations! 😎🙌🏻 #dbkennewick #dutchflow #rainbow #newmug #spring
When it’s Friday and you just can’t contain your excitement.. 😍 How are you celebrating the weekend being here?! ❤️ #dbkennewick #friday #friYAY #letscelebrate
Hey Family! 💙 We want to hear from YOU! What would you like to see more of?! Your favorite crews, or some new drinks?! A little bit of both? We want to serve YOU! Let us know below! 👇🏻 Hope everyone is having a great Thursday! 😎 #dbkennewick #givethepeoplewhattheywant #we’rehereforyou #servingupsmiles
Two Stamp Tuesday Tomorrow! 😎✌🏼 Remember, every Tuesday in March, receive two stamps for each drink purchased! 😍 Can’t wait to see all of your beautiful faces! #dbkennewick #twostamptuesday #partytime
Happy St. Patrick’s Day! ☘ Swing by today (3/17) wearing GREEN & receive $1 off your drink. Happening at all Kennewick locations only! 💚 Tag a friend that needs to hear about this! 😎🙌🏻 #dbkennewick #LuckOfTheDutch 🍀 #greenallday
Stop by wearing 🍀GREEN🍀 tomorrow (3/17) and get $1 off your drink! Happening at all DB Kennewick shops only. 💚 #LuckOfTheDutch #dbkennewick #saveadollar #saveyourselffrombeingpinched
CHEERS! To great friendships, better weather and to delicious iced tea! 😎 #dbkennewick #icedtea #sunshine #goodfriends #greatenergy
Rise and SHINE! 🌞 TWO STAMP TUESDAY IS ON! ✌🏼Receive TWO stamps for every drink purchased, let’s do this! 💙 This special is at all Kennewick shops every Tuesday in March. 😎 #dbkennewick #twostamptuesday #partytime
Are you guys ready for another TWO STAMP TUESDAY?! ✌🏼 EVERY Tuesday in March, you receive 2 stamps per drink purchased! 🙌🏻 Special going on at all Kennewick locations! 💙 We’ll see you tomorrow!! 😎 #twostamptuesday #dbkennewick
Spring forward with a FREE Mafia Style upgrade all day today! (3/11) Let’s soak in an extra hour of daylight with an extra double shot + extra sweet. #MafiaStyle 😎 Available at all Kennewick locations only! ✌🏼 #springforward #instyle #withcaffeine #dbkennewick
Who’s ready for a fun special?! 😎 Get a FREE Mafia Style upgrade on any drink this Sunday, March 11 at all Kennewick locations. Savor an extra hour of daylight by adding an extra double shot + extra flavor to your drink.☀ #MafiaStyle #dbkennewick