Haute Yoga
Opening soon!
New Name Same Love! Former owner of Liv Yoga, Kerri is back with Haute Yoga! Open your mind and allow your body to do the rest!
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facebook.comSunday Funday Anyone!? Let me know! We could do 1.5 hour class or focus on flying lizard, shiva pose and headstands!
Haute Yoga's cover photo
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*Starting tomorrow... 9am Hot with Catherine*
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*Interested!? Let me know!!* It would be a 6 week course(meeting 2x a week), full of information & fun, Warm, and cost would be $75! Once you complete the beginners course, your first class is FREE! Instructors would vary at times just to help develop an overall image of the practice!
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*New Month, Same Love* Begins March 11th we will offer SATURDAY @ 9:00am Hot!
NO 5AM CLASS this morning due to NO Power! Charolyn was there ready to led you all, but Mother Nature had different plans! Please text or call me if you were planning on attending and I will certainly make it up to you!
*If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you* Meet Charolyn Hilburn at 5am Hot and/or Kerri at 8am Unheated, 9am Warm, or 5:45pm Hot!
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Wonderful HOT week Yogi's!!! *No Sunday Funday this week. Rest. The next one will be super FUN*
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We only sweat in the best 😅 Place your order today!
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Join Courtney Patterson at 4:30pm (Hot) for a special playlist and workout! OR burn off that chocolate with Catherine at 7pm (Hot)
*Skills Class* TODAY 2:30-3:30!! Join the Sunday Funday full of fun tricks!
Haute Yoga