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Kenmore Mural

7304 Bothell Way NE,, Kenmore, United States
Arts & Entertainment



Fundraising effort and community updates about the Kenmore Living Cultural Mural project. The vision for the Kenmore Mural is to tell the story of Kenmore past and present through imagery that resonates with the community in the form of an interactive, educational mural about our city.  Our hope is that the artwork will tell the cultural and historical narrative of the city of Kenmore, deepening the sense of place for community members and those who visit or pass through.

This project is a partnership between the artists, the City of Kenmore, St. Vincent de Paul, the Kenmore Heritage Society, local businesses and community members.  


Timeline Photos

Hello everyone! Come join us for the Kenmore Heritage Society program tomorrow night, November 2nd, at 7pm to learn more about the Firlawn Sanitarium, one of the many historical subjects included in the Kenmore Mural. Ron Gherke will tell us all about it. At the Kenmore Community Club - 7304 NE 175th Street, just across Bothell Way from St. Vincent de Paul.

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Launch BBQ for Lets Beautify This! Campaign

Hey everyone! Here's a quick reminder of this fun community event starting up later this morning. We encourage you to attend and support having more public art in Kenmore! Eat great food, see great entertainment and get a little tour of the cement plant.

Launch BBQ for Lets Beautify This! Campaign

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Seriously almost cried when I saw this at the mural this evening. Thank you SO much to whoever knows how much the crows mean to us!! ❤️ Soon after spotting this the crows flew over the mural on their way back to Bothell!

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This is great! Thanks, Nigel, for posting it!

City of Kenmore - Government

We just want to take a quick moment to thank everyone SO much for all of the support you have given us and this grand community project. We were blown away by the wonderful turnout at the ribbon cutting ceremony yesterday. And we are very happy to let everyone know that the anti-graffiti coating was sprayed on the mural this morning!! More photos to come, but for now here's a great video of the entire mural by the City of Kenmore.

Kenmore Mural

Photo courtesy of William Leak! Thanks Bill!! :)

Kenmore Mural

Photos from Kenmore Mural's post

Getting ready to welcome members of our community and visitors to our city for the mural dedication and ribbon cutting ceremony tomorrow. Huge thanks to Dennis and Janet Quinn, Annette Eaton, Anne, and Eric Adman. We love Kenmore!!

Photos from Kenmore Mural's post

Photos from Kenmore Mural's post

Day 95, which was actually yesterday, was our final day of painting. Which was and still is kind of unbelievable! Thanks to Arnie, David, Debi and Eric for painting with us today!! And thank you John for coffee! This morning the anti-graffiti coating was supposed to go on, except Mother Nature had other plans for now!

Photos from Kenmore Mural's post

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Twenty years ago today, Staci's mom left this world. Perfect timing that the mural was finished last night so that we could take flowers together to remember her today. ❤️

Timeline Photos

Photos from Kenmore Mural's post


Photos from Kenmore Mural's post

Photos from Kenmore Mural's post

Quick post for day 94 because we worked late and it's really time for sleep. Our end-of-day panorama was taken after dark, obviously. We never did get one for yesterday's progress... Thanks to King County council member Rod Dembowski and his chief of staff Kristina for painting with us today, and for bringing coffee! So fun! And thanks to our friend Pat for buying us lunch, and John for the coffee that helped us paint until 8pm. 13+ hours of painting for us today!

Photos from Kenmore Mural's post
