Loray's Pub
Mon:$10 Pitcher&Pizza
Tue:2for1 Tap&Rails
Wed:$1.50 Domestic Pints
Thur:$10 AUCD Rails-8pm
Fri:Beer Buckets
Sat:4 for $10 BOMBS
Sun:$3 Bloodys&Screwdrivers
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facebook.comKaroke With JCAT
Karaoke with JCAT Entertainment. Come on down and and sign a few songs!!!
Open Jam With Wally
Open Jam With Wally. Musicians that just want to come down and play a song or two, Come down and jam!!
Pool Tournament
16 Week Pool Tournament. $15 entry fee -- Half the fee goes to this weeks tournament and the other half will go to the big 64 man tournament on September 9th at noon. Play each week or if you can't make it each week just come to the weeks you can. 1st, 2nd & 3rd place from each week will qualify for the tournmanet on September 9th. Will play best 2 our of 3 -- ADI league rules - last pocket
Dart Tournament
2nd week of this16 week dart tournament..$15 to play (half is for this week & half goes into the big tournament at the end). Play every Monday or whatever Mondays u want with Big Tournament on August 26th at noon!! Top 3 players will qualify for big tournament at the end. Play best 2 out of 3 - 301 games! Come on down and join us each week!!
Happy Mother's Day to all the beautiful Moms out there! We will be closed today so we can all celebrate this beautiful Day. Next Sunday we will start our new Sunday hours. We will be open from 11am - 6pm. Come in and have a Bloody Mary with us!! See u all then and enjoy ur day today!!!
Photos from Loray's Pub's post
Come down to Loray's Pub and try and win one of these baskets!!! Only $2 a chance!! Bloody Mary Basket, Margarita Basket or Blue UV & Lemonade Basket!!! Get down here!!!
Beer Pong Tournament
Beer Pong Tournament!!
Pool Tournament. $10 entry fee..Best 2 out of 3. ADI rules.
Come on down today and let Amanda Martaus serve u some alcoholic drinks!! We have 4 different flavors of pudding shots; Shamrock Shake, Margarita, Rocky Road & Rootbeer Floats. We also have drunken Oreos & Drunken Gummy Bears!! Check it out!!!
Cody Bowers & Lissa (I didn't get a last name---pink zip up) ur sweatshirts u ordered are at the bar and u still owe $30. Please stop on down to Loray's Pub and pick them up. If they are still there by the end of next week I will just sell them to someone else!! Thanks!!!
Dart Tournament
16 week dart tournament..$15 to play (half is for this week & half goes into the big tournament at the end). Play every Monday or whatever Mondays u want with Big Tournament on August 26th at noon!! Top 3 players will qualify for big tournament at the end. Play best 2 out of 3 - 301 games! Come on down and join us each week!!