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Upper Room Yoga

106 E. Main Street, Jenks, United States
Religious Organization



Upper Room Yoga exists to create a space for you to authentically connect with God through the modality of yoga & fitness to find freedom in Christ!  We are proud to offer Tulsa a Christ centered studio that overlooks the beautiful downtown of Jenks from the Upper Room. Our Holy Yoga certified instructors will lead you closer to the heart of the Father using biblical based meditations and worship music. We know that it's in this space of authenticity & safety that you can truly encounter Him and find healing, restoration, joy, and hope. Our offerings include Gentle, Restorative, Slow, & Power flows; to reach every body, experience level, and heart . Be sure to follow us on instagram @UpperRoomYoga for daily offerings. Namaste!


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Three more days to register for the A W A K E N [online] series that starts Monday! We are so excited spaces are filling up so quickly! We know God is going to do something so beautiful. ✨ 👉🏼Click the link in first comment 👇🏼 for series details + registration.

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Hot & Holy Muscle Tank Order

HOT & HOLY TANKS ARE AVAILABLE FOR PRE-ORDER!! $30 // VIY $22 *Click the link order yours today!*

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"Set your mind on things above..." Colossians 3:2 Keeping your focus on him will free you from the things of this world vying for your attention.

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Enjoy this [online] series for ✨FREE✨ when you become a VIY this month!! *Registration for this May series closes Friday—Don't linger!*

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Special Offers & New Series!

Special offers & new virtual series!

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Come unroll your mat with us and start your week off right! Seek First the kingdom of God... Matthew 6:33

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We all have areas in our life that seem stagnant, lacking and dead. Together on May 15th, we'll begin a journey of surrendering to the Lord + connecting with others as God begins to ✨awaken✨ us! Mind | Body | Heart Click the link in comments to register for this series! 👇🏼 ((SPACING IS LIMITED!)) $35 // v.i.y $25 This series is hosted ONLINE. Available to anyone, anywhere.

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Awaken Virtual Series

We all have places in our life (health & fitness, relationships, spirituality, finances, etc...) that need to be AWAKENED! This virtual series is a perfect opportunity to find that inner awakening you long for. In this sacred space, your heart will be united in COMMUNITY and you'll grow in CONSISTENCY! Together we will grow closer to Jesus, embrace our uniqueness, practice self acceptance & strengthen our bodies. _________________________________________ Over the course of 21 days you will: -Learn basic yoga postures & Christian meditation. -Find a safe space to seek God. -Build a TRIBE. -Find FREEDOM! _________________________________________ Kristen, Founder of Upper Room Yoga, will lead you through this journey of awakening. Each week she will: • Give you two NEW at-home yoga flows. • Provide daily inspirations & accountability. • Log on LIVE once a week to connect with you in prayer and answer your questions. • Offer fun challenges & prizes. _________________________________________ * In attempts to maintain connectedness & community, SPACING IS LIMITED!!! Click to register! *Registration closes at 9pm CDT Friday May 12 *Cost $35 // URY v.i.y $25

Awaken Virtual Series

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We definitely feel the Lord calling us in to some new spaces! Beginning tomorrow: we have NEW offerings and NEW teachers! 👉🏼Join us for tomorrow's fun👈🏼 ✨7:30am Cross Cardio (96th & Riverside Park|donation based) ✨7:30am Power Up ✨9:00am Simple Flow (donation based)

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Important! Time Changes + New Offering

**** Reminder: Cross Cardio meets off site & NEW time for Saturday morning Power Flow!!!****

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Happy Cinco de Mayo! Start the weekend off with one of your favorite classes!

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Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. - Matthew 7:7 Come and be still in the presence of the Lord! We can't wait to see you for Hot Zen!

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