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Jaffrey War Memorial Park

River Street, Jaffrey, United States
Non-Profit Organization



Privately owned, but open to the public, the Jaffrey War Memorial Park honors the men and women who served and died in the Korea and Vietnam Wars. Chances are you have passed by and admired the Korea-Vietnam Memorial Park many times.  Perhaps you have attended a Memorial Day observance or a POW service there, or simply rested awhile on one of its granite benches. Whatever you connection to this Jaffrey landmark, we're sure you agree that it is a fitting tribute to those who served their country in these wars, and an integral part of our Jaffrey townscape.
The park, formerly the site of a vacant gas station, was created 30 years ago by a group of interested people. The money raised came from a broad spectrum of citizens.
Although the Town of Jaffrey has been supportive of the park, it is privately owned by the Jaffrey War Memorial Committee, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation. Through the years the condition of the park has suffered. Several years ago new lighting was installed that was more energy-efficient and vandal-resistant. Time has also taken its toll on the landscaping and the concrete walkways.
Please consider making a tax-deductible contribution today to help us refurbish and preserve this meaningful part of Jaffrey. Thank you.
