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Holy Family Catholic Community

2515 West Palatine Rd, Inverness, United States
Church/religious organization



Welcome to Holy Family Catholic Community located in Inverness, IL.  A vibrant, progressive, Catholic community inviting all to new life in Christ.


The Starting Point is Prayer

"These past few weeks I have preached about the general angst in our world that has been growing. Many people are voicing concern, fear and confusion in the face of repeated events of terror and violence... “What can we at Holy Family do about this?” That question has sparked several spirited conversations among staff and leadership and we are turning the ideas surfaced on those conversations into reality. My conviction is that the starting point is prayer, and yet there seems to be so much to pray about and for." - Fr. Terry

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How are we setting the world on fire with our love and mercy? How can we set the world on fire with our love and mercy? #MondayMotivation

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Pope Francis makes surprise visit to former prostitutes - BBC News

For the whole Church; that the Holy Spirit may continue to inspire our thoughts and deeds - that we may move past our differences and find common ground, we pray...

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Last Sunday, while on his way to worship at HFCC with Archbishop Blase J. Cupich, HFCC parishioner Edward Dawood grabbed this pic. #beautiful

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For those to whom much has been given: that they may hear and answer the call to be attentive to the needs of those on the fringes of society...we pray.

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Hops on the Vine - Fall Fest 2016

Hops on the Vine tickets are on sale now!

Mission and History

That our community of faith demonstrate our readiness for the coming of the Lord in this Jubilee Year of Mercy by showing God’s merciful love to all our sisters and brothers...we pray.

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For all those who keep watch through the night: for firefighters, medical professionals, law enforcement personnel, those who serve our country and all those committed to our safety and protection - that God may watch over and protect them always....we pray.

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Library : Letter to the Elderly

For the prophets and elders of our society - those advanced in age and those of every age advanced in wisdom - that the faith of Abraham and Sarah may inspire them to speak the truth of unity in the midst of chaos...we pray.

Holy Family Catholic Community

"A little bit of mercy makes the word less cold and more just." - Pope Francis HFCC has over 100 ministries of service, faith education, worship, and prayer. From collecting clothing and delivering food to people in need, to providing parental counseling, ending homelessness, and serving the Body and Blood of Christ...join us in showing mercy!

Instagram photo by • Aug 10, 2016 at 8:09am UTC

A new Saint and a new stamp. #comingsoon

Archbishop Blase Cupich Homily at Holy Family Catholic Community in Inverness, IL - 8/7/16

"The Lord says "do not be afraid." We should not absolutize evil, bad news, or violence to the point that this is the whole story. The worst thing in the world has happened - God sent his son into the world, and we killed him. And yet God didn't give up on us. There is no moment in time where God's grace cannot visit you and allow you to be free of the fear that comes into your life." - Archbishop Blase J. Cupich
