Crowsnest Practice Space
Crowsnest is a 300 sq. ft sound treated room designed for music and can be rented hourly, daily, and Monthly. Turn it up at The Crowsnest, on your own or with a band. This room is designed for writing, rehearsing, preproduction, or recording.
2 month minimum for renting...not here. Call me last minute and I will let you know if its available.
22x 13.5 x 8 ft
300 sq ft
Sound System provided:
4 monitor mix's
24 channel Behringer Mixer
All Mic's, Cables, monitors, stands provided
(Send email for full gear list)
Ramp for heavy gear
Wheel Chair access
Storage for road cases outside of practice room
6 moving Goboes
Acoustical wall treatments
Water and Refreshments on site
Parking for: Bus, Cars, Vans, + trailers
Bring your own instruments
Hours: 10am-9pm Monday-Sunday
Call for quotes 440.376.6801 Allen Maier
*4 Hour Minimum
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