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Next Great Architects - The Teaching Studio

6110 W 25th St, # 24543, Indianapolis, United States
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Next Great Architects, LLC is a teaching studio which develops young people in architecture through design, history and appreciation. The Teaching Studio follows a similar concept of teaching hospitals where students are in a hands on learning environment. Young people will be interacting with architectural design and theory.

Architecture is essentially the creative combination of art, craft, technology and mathematics. It is often unexplored due to lack of exposure or simple understanding.

Most education of architecture begins in the later years of high school. Those students whose only exposure is high school consequently struggle through college.

Next Great Architects, LLC was established to prevent those struggles. We want to introduce the profession to young people early and nurture the development of creativity and craft. We want to be a resource for those who are interested in the profession but may not have a connection with the professionals.


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