Harrison Lane Elementary
Harrison Lane Elementary is a public school in Hurst, Texas.
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facebook.comParents, please read the news release below from the Bedford Police Department. In an abundance of caution, our HEB ISD Elementary and Secondary principals have been asked to make announcements to our students reminding them to be aware of their surroundings when traveling to and from school. Take a moment to revisit basic safety tips with your students. If you observe any suspicious behavior, please report it directly to the local police department.
Please consider helping our AMAZING school custodians!
Congratulations to our winners for Novembers Character Trait, HONESTY! We are so proud of them! :) Their picture will be on display in the main hallway!
HLE Faculty Spirit Day representing the Dallas Cowyboys! The most spirited won a prize. Congrats to Mrs. Heisch for the most spirit!
The City of Hurst will put on their annual Tree Lighting Ceremony on Tuesday, Nov. 28--5:00-9:00 PM Our HLE Choir will sing from 7:40-7:55 :) They have been practicing hard! We hope to see you there!
Reminder: Math DBA tomorrow, Nov.14, for Grades 3-6. Campus will be closed to visitors for lunch.
Early Release Day tomorrow, Nov. 10! Students will be dismissed at 11:50. Remember, all K-2 bus riders must be met by a parent at the bus stop :)
Congratulations to Colton Parks, 6th grade student, for winning 2nd place in the HEB ISD Bicycle Rodeo last night :) Also, congrats to Adrien Vega, 4th grade student, for participating and doing a great job!
REMINDER: PTA volunteer meeting is tonight at 7:00 PM in the cafeteria! See you there!
Just a reminder that tomorrow, Nov.1, is PARENT CONFERENCE DAY! There is NO school for students. :) Please make sure you know when your conference time will be! If you do not, please be sure to call or email the teacher.
Calling all Volunteers! You don't want to miss the upcoming PTA meeting! Nov. 6 at 7:00 PM in the HLE cafeteria.