Conditioning, Cardio, Fitness, Weights, Body Weight, Overall Health, Physical Fitness, Mind and Body
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facebook.com“The only place where your dream becomes impossible is in your own thinking.” Proud moment for Bethanie Gubler!
Tylee Torres and her CF Journey Summer 2013, my baby just turned 3 years old and although I look back on pictures and see I was not big by any means, I was not happy. I remember thinking that everyone around me looked so amazing and so in shape, what could I do to look and feel that way. I tried doing workouts at home, Zumba going to the gym when I had someone to take my daughter, running, walking, wii fit haha. Nothing really kept me going, there was no pushing, nothing to look forward to. A couple of the girls I worked with had been doing crossfit for a few years and had told me about it. I was terrified they had always been athletic, and me not so much. I kept telling myself 'I just need to get in shape first.” Then I had a lady that came in to get her hair done, and was telling me that she had started and loved it. She also told me I could take my daughter and they had a play area for the kids to keep them contained while we did the workout. I decided to tag along with her on my days off. I was addicted after the first workout. I went everyday and after 1 month my family could see more definition in my legs and arms. I loved every minute of it. The competitive aspect, although I ried to only be better than myself the day before, I did notice myself looking at the other women who were there thinking if they can do it so can I. I ran my first mile nonstop, then a few weeks later Iran my first 5K. When we moved I couldn’t find it in my budget to go to a crossfit gym, I became pregnant and quite frankly LAZY. I still wanted to be improving myself though. I got a membership at an athletic club. I tried to go my whole pregnancy but there were days I just couldn’t drag myself out of bed to do it. After I had her there was no way I was going to make it to the gym ever again. The athletic club didn’t work for me anyways saw no results. Then I found 435. the people are all so welcoming and supportive. I have gained all the strength that I lost (after 1 1/2 years away) within a matter of months. I still take a little longer than some on the times workout but I finish, and most of the time I do or at least try the RX weight/ movements. They know what I can do better than me. I have built friendships which I so desperately needed and become more confident in myself. I am learning my weaknesses and working on them with tons of support. I am grateful for crossfit in my life and I am grateful for my 435 Family Before 6 months into CF Now
Making health a priority is not something that comes naturally to me. I'm continually striving to do better and make good habits. Early on I realized that I had the genetics for being overweight and that being "thin" was not going to come naturally. Many times I used that as an excuse, I just gain weight easier. Now I see it as a blessing I was forced to learn better habits now rather than later on in life so I've constantly tried to find something that works for me. I've never done extreme dieting but I have tried LOTS of diets and exercise regimes to keep things "under control" I was never striving for more. When I was introduced to Crossfit I had already seen the effects in my husband, but I was working out everyday in different ways and didn't think Crossfit would make any changes from what I was doing. I couldn't believe that after a year I was seeing an outline of abs, that I was able to have the best pregnancy and recovery to date. That I would conquer fears and reach goals I only dreamed of. When I started Crossfit I was nervous I knew that I'd do okay with weights but gymnastics 😂 no way I could never do a strict pull up even when I was young (just did a workout with 40 in it and I got them one by one), I never could do a cartwheel much less a handstand or gasp handstand push-up?! That's what I love about Crossfit it breaks down barriers and perceptions you had about yourself. Constantly smashing your own limitations is liberating! Pairing this exercise program with good eating has made me a better mom, wife and overall healthier person, physically and mentally. It is for everyone I've done at 215 pounds and I've done it at much less, you can start anywhere. And I know longer strive to be thin, just be healthier and I laugh now because people say "if you lose any more weight you're going to blow away" not knowing that my weight would shock them because I'm no light weight but the changes your body can make are amazing, you can be strong and feminine. We all start somewhere find something you can stick with, something that pushes you and surround yourself with support and I promise you'll surprise yourself! ~Susie Stout~
Don't mess with this hot mamma! Joel Sanders with a #10 PR
Terra Oliphant getting a #5 PR. Tough as nails!
Laura Curtis with her 5#PR. This woman overcomes a lot each and everyday. So proud of her!
Three years ago, I walked into my first crossfit class. I was nervous, but excited. And I had no idea what I was getting into! When I first started, I couldn't squat and I didn't know the first thing about lifting weights. I had a hard time believing I could do any of the things they wanted me to do. But little by little, and with a lot of coaching, I started to believe I could. I took "I can't" out of my vocabulary and started to tell myself to "just go for it." I feared the failure, I feared falling. But I learned that falling is ok as long as I get back up. I found myself. And I found a community of amazing, encouraging people who push me to be better not only in the gym, but in my daily life. ~Jocelyn Sackett~
Offer good from now until December 31st!
3 FREE CLASSES, come check out new convenient location and give us a try!! We are now located in the south side of the Hurricane Community Center. CLASS TIMES: Monday-Friday 5:30AM 8:30AM 9:30AM 4:15PM 5:00PM 5:45PM Please be 15 min early to allow time to warm up.
Dave Sanders has been working on achieving #225 for a very long time. Today he gets it and a #20 PR at that!