University Pickers
Furniture,Unique,handmade,vintage, antiques & repurposed Home Décor, gifts,DIY items & much more! Never the same place twice!Over 115 vendors in 1 place!
We have aboard the "best of the best" talent in the Huntsville area. Honored to win "Retailer of the Year" for Huntsville/Madison county!
We offer a place in Huntsville where you can plan a "girls day out" and enjoy a fun DIY (do it yourself) workshop, hosted by one of our very own University Pickers. Whether its a wedding you're planning, a special gift you're seeking, a boring wall needing a special piece, or a creative itch needing to be scratched, we hope to be your #1 choice to shop in Huntsville. I promise- there's a picker hidden deep inside of everyone.
For our pickers (aka., dealers:) join and become part of a community. We have "meet and greet" activities and fun social gatherings. Forget all this nonsense of not being able to brand yourself in "other" stores. We want to help grow your individual business! At the end of the day, we know it's our pickers that will make University Pickers a hot spot for Huntsville.
For our community: We take seriously our social responsibilities to give back whenever possible. We intend on offering special events to benefit locals in the area. Regardless of your beliefs, we feel like we have been called to this location for a purpose. As we meet more and more people from the area and hear more and more stories, we believe University Pickers is our "ministry." Please keep us in your prayers that in all our business decisions, we glorify Him.
University Pickers: a place where friends gather, trends begin, and the pickins are good!
Want a Booth at University Pickers? We are thankful that so many want to be a part of our family. Although we are currently FULL, we have people come in, call, email and FB us daily asking about it. Check out our website at to learn more!
Due to the nature of our business,
All Sales are Final, No Exchanges or Returns
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