Lander Defense Gun School
(A division of Lander Defense LLC)
Gun School uses an innovative training method designed to quickly drive your skills deep into your reflexes. A division of Lander Defense LLC
The Gun School concept began as a desire to share the peace of mind and security that comes from owning a gun and knowing how to use it correctly. With the growing popularity of firearms in America, we believe that there should be an affordable way so that everyone who owns a gun can have access to high quality training.
Our unique training system was developed from years of practical self-defense and martial arts teaching experience.
Our focus is threefold:
1) All techniques need to be defense appropriate for civilians. You have to be able to fight back with what you have while dressed what you normally wear. No fancy leg holsters or Military uniforms are encouraged for training.
2) The method has to allow for a busy life. We teach you to train in the little "time gaps" that you have in life. We know that you can't spend days at the firing range working on your self defense skills (even if that did work). There is the job, the family and all of your other obligations. We get that. We are in the same boat. We have an innovative training method that drives correct responses deep into your reflexes, where they will stay until you need them. The we give you short practice drills that you can do at home to keep yourself ready.
3) It has to be affordable! We can teach a functional skill set for a fraction of the cost of other training methods. You will save enough money to buy several guns and a vacation compared to other schools.
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If you feel the need to learn how to deal with this sort of thing, contact us about our August sessions. A field experienced Paramedic will be teaching our trauma class. Get ready to be challenged.
Empower Wyoming
This is the best basic self defense training system that I have seen. I really hope that they offer it for men soon (I know that Francine is working on it.) I wish my hand to hand students could take this class before training with me. It would save so much time. It is way beyond a typical women's defense class. The scenario work is great, and going full force against an attacker is a real eye opener for the students. (Full disclosure... I work for them as a suit instructor.)
Debunking the Myth of the 10,000-Hours Rule: What It Actually Takes to Reach Genius-Level Excellence
This really rings true to me:
Isosceles or Weaver stance? Both! be comfortable with all stances. You will find that some fit different circumstances better than others. This becomes very apparent during scenario training.
Prepper Living
Gunfighting is 98% fight and 2% gun. By practicing with dryfire and airsoft guns, we are able to focus on the fight, and your live fire instructor will be impressed at how well you are doing on that other 2%!
Why So-Called Reality Based Training Is Crap
This guy has some great points, but no real suggestions on solving the problem. I suspect it is part of his marketing tactics; however, it is very important to consider when choosing what to study. Don't drink the tacti-cool-aid.
There really isn't anything "new" or "advanced" in gunfighting. There are new methods of teaching fundamentals, and there are advanced uses of fundamentals, but the basic skill set only changes to adapt to changes in weapons.
Just because you have had training and experience, it doesn't mean that you don't need practice to stay proficient. (You know this, admit it...) Our practice sessions are for experienced and novice students alike. Everybody get something from it, because it all about fundamentals, and we all need to work on our fundamentals
By practicing and training only with dry fire, we can improve your fundamentals faster and for less money than any other training method. Then we will add some stressfull scenario work to cement it into your reflexes
Empower Wyoming