Hopkinsville First United Methodist Church
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facebook.comIt’s a spiritually hair-raising, hauntingly holy night of good eats, games, and tricky treaters here at The Supernatural Castle, aka FUMC! #1stUMCHoptown #BewareoftheBathman #TrunkorTreat
WEDNESDAY EVENING (Oct 25), 530-730 PM It’s gonna be a BOO-tiful time on Bethel St with trunks full of treats, HOWLingly fun games, and GHOULishly good food! Please come and wear your costumes! #1stUMCHoptown #TrunkorTreat #BeOurGuest
What a wonderful resurrection Sunday of worship with all three services led by the children and youth of FUMC! “Remember, we are all children of God.” -Matthew Couch (845 AM) “Jesus is The Alpha: a leader to be followed; The Omega: a lowly servant to all - also to be followed.” -Garrett Pyle (9 AM) “Today, we are renewing our commitment to care, protect, and advocate for all children.” -Ana Hernandez (11 AM) ...and a very special thanks to Charlotte Drury Powell and every adult who helped make this day possible! #1stUMCHoptown #ChildrensSabbath #ThanksbetoGod
The Fall Mission Bazaar: Saturday, Oct 21, 9 AM - 3 PM. An amazing variety of vendors offering fantastic goods and services for a wonderful cause! #1stServe
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22 Join us as we support the Children and Students of our congregation as they lead us in 845, 9, and 11 AM worship on Sunday, October 22. We will celebrate God's incredible gift of children and recognize the needs of children in our community and around the world. Please bring a children's book to donate to the Christian County Literacy Council. #BeOurGuest #1stUMCHoptown #1stServe
In these times when so many things threaten to divide us, God continues to offer us an invitation to a meal at a table meant to heal and unite us. World Communion Sunday. Worship at 845 (traditional), 9 (contemporary), and 11 AM (traditional). Sunday School for all ages: 10–11 AM. #1stUMCHoptown #BeOurGuest #ThanksbetoGod
42 Cleaning Kits (cleaning items in 5 gal buckets) were delivered today and over $6,000 has been sent to UMCOR [The United Methodist Committee on Relief]. These gifts will be a great help to our friends recovering from recent natural disasters. Thanks to everyone who filled & gave buckets / monetary gifts and to the faithful servants of UMCOR for ensuring they are delivered to neighbors in need. #1stUMCHoptown #1stServe #ThanksbetoGod
BACK TO CHURCH SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 Everyone has a unique story - all are welcome! Join us @ FUMC for "Back to Church Sunday" this Sunday; bring a friend! Brunch w/ juice and coffee will be served from 930-11 AM. Worship: 845, 9, and 11 AM; Sunday School: 10-11 AM. We look forward to seeing you on Sunday! #1stUMCHoptown #APlacetoBelong
These precious children will lead us in worship for "Back to Church Sunday" this Sunday in all 3 services! Join us and bring a friend!