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Del Terrunio -Free Range Grass fed Beef

24 Water St, Holliston, United States



Free range beef with no antibiotics, no hormone, grass fed and full traceability from Uruguay, South America. Tender, tasty and lean. Those are the three words most often used by people to describe the beef we raise and export.  What's unique about Del Terruño?

-We offer traceability.  This started as a way for people to invest in a head of cattle on the market (vs stock in a company).  Each investor would know about their actual cow as the animal developed and all the way through slaughter and packaging.  It was the way you make money as a shareholder- if your head was sold at the best price.  Think of it like a Social-Security number for each head of cattle.  

-Our animals are free-range ALL year long.  They are grass fed their whole lives, and that gives the meat an amazing taste and flavor.  (You'll notice the unique combination of freshness and texture of a meat that's tasty yet not gamey; tender but not spongy; lean, but succulent.)

-Regular beef is raised in feedlots, where the animals must regularly receive antibiotics to fight diseases; they also get growth hormones and artificial fatteners to have them increase weight faster and cheaper.  Sometimes they may be corn raised and grass-finished, but nowhere in the USA is it cost-effective (or weather-permitting) to let your animals eat grass on open fields 12 months of the year.  Uruguay is a small country with temperate climate, no mountains and few people; raising beef is one of the main industries.

-Growth hormones and animal by products have always been forbidden in Uruguay.

-Several characteristics that chefs really appreciate are tenderness, a sweet fresh taste that provides an excellent foundation for either very complex or deceivingly simple recipes; and of course, a lot less fat!  The fat doesn't permeate the meat- it's all on the outside.  

-The breeds are  Aberdeen Angus and Hereford.  

      -Uruguay is one of only four countries world-wide that is certified to be 100% free of mad cow disease.  

