Hobbs Police Department
The Hobbs Police Department is committed to being responsive to our community in our delivery of quality service. This is the official Facebook page of the Hobbs Police Department, in Hobbs, NM. This page was created to provide those with an interest in the Hobbs Police Department, access to information about the agency and a platform with which to interact. This page is monitored and managed by the Hobbs Police Department.
The Hobbs Police Department manages this page as a limited public forum and therefore the following conditions apply:
- a posting on this page constitutes acceptance of these terms.
- In case of emergency, or if you need police assistance, dial 911.
-Do not use this page to report a crime. Call 575-397-9265
-If you post information related to a crime on this page, you may be placing yourself in the position of becoming a witness to a crime and subjecting yourself to subpoena and in certain situations endangering yourself or others.
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-Comments posted by other on the Hobbs PD Facebook page are not to be considered the opinion of the Hobbs Police Dept., nor does the agency endorse any third party comments on this page.
-The Hobbs Police Department reserves the right to remove and/or block anyone who posts inappropriate material as determined by Hobbs PD.
-Hobbs PD does not allow posting of photos or videos by anyone other than the Hobbs PD Facebook page administrators.
-If you have photos or videos you would like to share on this page, contact 575-397-9381.
-If you are looking for more information about the Hobbs Police Department please visit www.hobbspd.com.
-The Hobbs Police Department welcomes a person's right to express his/her opinion and encourages posters to keep comments related to content on this page. The Hobbs Police Department reserves the right to remove any comments that are inappropriate of offensive, including comments that:
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Tell your friends
facebook.comAll of the fair goers were getting in on the opportunity to experience the new MILO training system at the HPD booth at the fair! The system also provides fun for kids, similar to what they would experience with a video game. Plus, officers and staff were doing FREE child ID and fingerprinting.
These folks stopped by the HPD booth at the county fair and were introduced to the MILO training system.
Lots going on at the Lea County Fair & Rodeo beginning today with the parade in Lovington at 4pm and the first PRCA Rodeo and concert to follow tonight...we hope everyone is able to go and have a great time, but we ask that you leave yourself plenty of time to get there, plan for busy streets and lots of pedestrians, and please use caution driving to, from, and around the festivities. Also, don't forget to come see the HPD booth while you are there!
Please don't miss your opportunity to listen to Congressman, and gubernatorial candidate, Steve Pearce as he joins us for Coffee with the Cops tomorrow morning at 7:30 am. He will be visiting with us on and off the air until 7:50 am, so please come early if you would like to visit with him. Enter the police department through the north side of the building. If you can't be there in person, you can always listen as you drive around Hobbs to the city's radio station,99.3 FM - KHBX, the information station for the City of Hobbs, beginning at 7:30! Congressman Steve Pearce
We wish everyone a safe and enjoyable 82nd Annual Hobbs Fair & Rodeo week! Travel safely and patiently as you go to and from all the fun and excitement of the fair. Also, we hope you will come by and see the Hobbs Police Department in the expo halls beginning Wednesday and experience our new MILO Range training simulation equipment, and meet our officers and staff.
We are so grateful for all of those who were able to participate in today's "Stand Behind the Line" event. We are so proud to live in a community that appreciates their Emergency Service personnel!
Great day for the HPD community relations team. We were at the JcPennys parking lot doing free kids safety ID cards and giving away gifts. Thanks to our partners for such a fun way to get ready for back to school!