Reformed Church of Highland Park
No matter who you are or where you come from, all are welcome here.
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facebook.comACTION ALERT: Tonight at 7pm, there will be the 3rd of a series of important Middlesex County Freeholder Meetings in which several groups will be asking questions and making statements that focus on the specifics of the resolution that will be voted on at this meeting. Freeholders have a new policy towards Immigration and Customs Enforcement (I.C.E.) actions at the County jail and courthouse. With People Power and the greater community, let's show them that we stand together against Trump's mass deportation plans. Middlesex County must adopt policies which prevent county resources from being used to help ICE separate families. Location: 75 Bayard St, New Brunswick
Bread for the World's 2017 Lobby Day
Join Bread for the World in their Fight Against Hunger this June. Lobby Day offers a unique opportunity to communicate personally with members of Congress and their staff in Washington, D.C. If interested in joining the group leaving from RCHP, please email Cathy Stanford for details at Registration is FREE, but required via the link below. For many participants, Lobby Day is their first time visiting congressional offices in Washington, D.C. In-person lobbying on Capitol Hill is another dimension of advocacy — and a fascinating one for both new and veteran activists. SCHEDULE: 8 -10 am: Opening Worship and Legislative Briefing 10:30 am -12:30 pm: Regional Caucuses and Lunch 1:00 - 5:00 pm: Pre-arranged Lobby Visits to members of Congress on Capitol Hill 5 pm - 8 pm: Reception and Closing Worship Session
Salvation and Social Justice - Sign on to Support
Challenge #RacialandEthnicDisparity in the New Jersey criminal justice system. New Jersey incarcerates blacks at 12X the rates of whites. THE WORST IN THE NATION. Governor Chris Christie please sign this Racial Impact Statement bill. CLICK BELOW TO SIGN ON AS A SUPPORTER IF YOU HAVEN’T ALREADY
Kaper-Dale For Governor
The Laramie Project
This special performance is one of 49 happening around the country, each in memory of one of the 49 victims who lost their life in the Pulse Nightclub shooting. Come out this Saturday and support Who is My Neighbor and coLAB Arts for a night of wonderful theater and solidarity.
RCHP Spring Clean-up at Mill Brook
In collaboration with the Highland Park Ecology and Environmental Group, The Reformed Church of Highland Park conducts 2 clean- ups per year along the Mill Brook stream. Last year's clean-ups were highly successful, and we hope you can join us again! All are welcome. MEETING PLACE: Team will be meeting at 10am at the Reformed Church of Highland Park located at 19 S. Second St, and heading to the stream together from there. Stay tuned for updates in the event of rain.
Blessing the family of Oldy Manopo, detained,
Pray and protest with us for the release of Oldy Manopo! On May 8, 2017 ICE detained Oldy, Saul Timisela, Rovani Wangko and Arino Massie. The last time Oldy Manopo saw Indonesia was December 25, 2001, when he and his family were driven in a dumptruck to the airport. Oldy's son was 13 and his daughter was 9. They left the country as Christian churches were being bombed in Jakarta. Back then, Oldy's wife worked at an Australian coal-mining company. One day a mob of Muslim extremists surrounded the company housing complex. "The police hid the people in a dump truck that drove us to the airport," Oldy explained. When Oldy entered sanctuary in our church in 2012, his grandson Sean Manopo was 3 years old. Oldy's son, daughter-in-law and daughter are "Dream Act" young adults from Indonesia who benefited from President Obama's June 15, 2012 executive order for undocumented young adults who came to the U.S. as minor children. From 2009 to 2017, ICE agreed that Oldy met multiple humanitarian factors that warranted Prosecutorial Discretion and stayed his deportation. WHY NOT NOW?
Jesus Speaks A Deported Father's Last Words to His Son.pdf
This Thursday, ICE deported Arino Massie without letting him hug his son Joel good-bye. In this sermon by Elder Liz Estes, Jesus speaks a deported father's last words to his son.
Deportation & Immigration Response Equipo
Faith in New Jersey
Dear America: Let Our Loved Ones Stay! And bring Arino Massie (second from the left) back from Indonesia, where you deported him, so he can finish raising his 12-year old son.
Highland Park Public Schools
RCHP is so proud of George Kalinda, one of our many great and awesome Sunday School kids! Way to go, George!!
Decarceration Campaign Meeting
Our friends at the NJ Institute for Social Justice are hosting a powerful event on Youth Decarceration tomorrow night in Newark. Anyone wanting to learn more about supporting this campaign is encouraged to attend!