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Texas Sports & Social Club- Waco/Hewitt/Woodway

P.O. Box 1407, Hewitt, United States
Outdoor, Recreation & Fitness



Texas Sports and Social Club is here to bring out the kid in us ADULTS.  Our rule that #1 Rule is to have fun, first and foremost!    In 2013, there was a group of 30 people, who came together for a game of Kickball at Chapel Park. We had a great time, laughing about how long it has been since we played Kickball, and how much fun we had.  From that moment on, we wanted to bring a way for adults to be social and active in the Waco/Hewitt/Woodway and surrounding communities. Our goal was to create something that was actually fun and social. A way for people to meet, yet where it would be enjoyable for all skill levels. We had a few SportsNites, where people would come out for a 1 hour game of Sand/Grass Volleyball, Kickball, and Glow in the Dark Football. In July 2015, it happened. We had our first Co-ed Flag Football league with over 60+ players (some of which had never played Flag Football before).  It was hot! It was Fun!

From there we continue to grow with the focus on our core values with a successful 1st season of Co-ed Themed Dodgeball in the Fall 2015.

We have some of the best members and fans this side of the Bosque River!


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We're ready for Greater Hewitt Chamber of Commerce Nacho Daddy

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Greater Hewitt Chamber of Commerce

Yea!!!! Come visit us! If your running in the Color Run we'll be cheering you on!!!!

Greater Hewitt Chamber of Commerce

☀️ Summer Leagues ☀️ are now posted!

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Check out these Superman Socks and come play 🔴 Kickball with us! Monday Night Kickball registration closes May 7th Join as a team, free agent, or small group at

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With the First Pick in the 2017 TXSSC Draft the ____________ have selected ____________. 😮 #DraftingTheBestSince2016 Draft Seaon Coed Flag Football is open. Register online as a free agent.

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Spring 2 Wednesday Night Soccer has teams looking for players. ⚽️ Meet New people! Register online at

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Bubba's 33 - Waco

😉 We are there!

Bubba's 33 - Waco

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Today's the Day! 👏 Registration is NOW OPEN 🔵 for The The Hewitt Police Department & City of Hewitt Fire Department Dodging for Dollars Charity Tournament! Saturday June 24th 🗓 Register for 😮 $10 per player until May 7th (then $15 reg, $25 late) 😀 Start a Team, Bring a Small Group, or Join as a Free Agent There will be great people to meet and laugh with, food for sale, raffle, and more. Thank you for supporting. Register online at Benefits the 100 Club: "Established in 2012, the 100 Club in the Heart of Texas is a citizen-based, non-profit organization that raises funds to help pay funeral expenses, relieve mortgage or other debt, and cover educational expenses for the family of first responders killed in the line of duty."

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Today kicks off #HealthyTexasWeek😀 Stay Active and Keep moving, plan to stay active in the upcoming months and don't forget to encourage your family, friends, and coworkers!


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Guess what opens May 1st!!!! Register EARLY 🐦 for $10 for The Hewitt Police Department City of Hewitt Fire Department Dodging for Dollars Charity Dodgeball Tournament! Start your team or join as a free agent at

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There are a few days left to save for the upcoming season! 🏀 Basketball ⚽️ Soccer 🔴 Kickball 🏈 Flag Football Register online at

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YEA!! Soccer is tonight!! Wahooo. Join us next season for Monday Night, Wednesday Night or both.

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NEAR Texas Sports & Social Club- Waco/Hewitt/Woodway