Cedar Middle School
7th and 8th grade school in Hesperia, CA
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facebook.comIt’s coming!! Save the date! Saturday April 14th from 10:00am-3:00pm. #cmspartans2017 #impactthefuturehusd
Our 7th grade students learning about the Renaissance period and painting like Michelangelo. #cmspartans2017 #impactthefuturehusd
Balloon cars in STEM class. #cmspartans2017 #impactthefuturehusd
HUSD LCAP Survey Just In! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdsumRy5bcuq-5odxPAuDEMulL4rw9qFzQ2xiZ9XNoB2BaKXQ/viewform?c=0&w=1
A big shout out to our feeder schools for a fantastic visit and overall great bunch of kids. We appreciate you!
More awards...8th grade! Keep it up Spartans.
Great turnout at CMS awards tonight. Proud of our kiddos.
Just posted a photo https://t.co/U2xdVOVXF7
Had a great turnout hosting HUSD's iExpo here at CMS on Saturday. We have such an amazing group of kids and educators!
A post regarding the safety of students and staff on campus has circulated around different social media platforms over the past two days. Please be advised that both school police and administration are aware of the situation and have found no credible evidence of a threat. The safety of our students and staff are a top priority and we are always vigilant in this regard.