Merle Norman Cosmetics Hereford, TX
Merle Norman Cosmetics & The Gift Garden ~ 220 N Main ~ Hereford, TX ~ 806.364.0323
Merle Norman Hereford offers professional make overs for any occassion, as well as free consultations by appointment. We welcome orders for shipping.
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS👩🏻 MEGA SATURDAY SURPRISE 👩🏼 ** Cover Up ** Saturday, May 6 ONLY ONLY 10 ~ 2 Call to make purchase by phone if you can't make it in for this surprise!
Photos from Merle Norman Cosmetics Hereford, TX's post
Graduation Gifts $6 ~ $35
Merle Norman Cosmetics
Merle Norman Cosmetics
Merle Norman Cosmetics
🌸 MEGA SATURDAY SURPRISE 🌸 Any 3 piece skin care system Dry, Normal, Sensitive, or Acne Saturday May 13 ONLY ONLY 10 ~ 2 Great savings for your skin care regime!! GREAT TREAT FOR MOTHERS DAY !!!
Merle Norman Cosmetics
Merle Norman Cosmetics
Mothers Day!! Why not a Merle Norman Cosmetic Gift Certificate?? With a FREE consultation and makeover???
Timeline Photos
Spring wraps on SALE for Mothers Day! 25% OFF ~ reg prices begin & $20
Merle Norman Cosmetics
Thank you to all who braved the SNOW to come and celebrate our 27th birthday with us! It was a huge success! AND the winners of the drawings are: ** $100 ** Gift Certificate goes to ~ Debbie Puente ! Because it was our 27th birthday, we had drawings for '27 Shades of Color' ! Winners get to choose a color from eye, lip or cheek colors ! Congratulations to our winners: Tammy Bradford Bonnie Carlson LaGay Carlson Joan Culp Carolyn Fry Vicky Ruland Higgins Stephanie James Kristy George Jones Connie Mills Marchbanks Sharon White Noland Elizabeth Vogel Charlotte Hromas Wilburn Melanie Wilburn Missy Wilcox Margaret Brumley Williams *** CLAIM YOUR PRIZE BY MAY 31, 2017 ***