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Foothills Montessori School

1401 Amador Ln, Henderson, United States
Private School



A private school in Henderson, Nevada. We offer a dynamic, hands-on education in a stimulating and welcoming environment. Welcome to our community! Our Philosophy:

Dynamic and participatory environment to foster critical thinking
Low student-to-teacher ratio to ensure ample attention
Multi-age classroom structure to encourage student mentorship
Individual progression without peer competition

Our Four Pillars:
-Academic Excellence
-Universal Values
-Global Understanding



FMS is closed in honor of Memorial Day...

Nothing signals the end of the academic year like spending the morning playing games and running obstacle courses. Field Day for the primary students (ages 3-6) offered many chances for getting wet...from doing the balloon toss to negotiating the obstacle course. The sponge relay race also gave ample chances for getting wet! Elementary and middle school students will enjoy their Field Day in a couple weeks. A great big thank you to Coach Bob for organizing the events and to all of the parent volunteers who helped make our field days a fun time for all.

As we wrap up the end of the 2017/2018 school year, we reflect upon the wonderful experiences as a community. We celebrate our students and the amazing amount of learning and personal development which took place under the guidance of our teachers. In addition, we are so grateful for the support of our parents in partnership with FMS, committed to the development of children in mind, body and emotions. It is now time to slow down, relax, read a few good books, and enjoy unhurried conversations. Have a safe and restful summer! FMS summer camp opportunities are still available. Please contact the office for details.

YOUTH ART GALLERY RECEPTION featuring 15 FMS students will be held on May 30th from 6:00-7:00pm at the Henderson Multi-Gen Center. Come celebrate their amazing works!

The upper elementary students (4th - 6th grade) delivered a rousing rendition of Shakespeare's signature pieces such as Macbeth, A Midsummer's Night Dream, and Romeo and Juliet woven together in song, humor, and wit. With a focus on high energy songs and catchy rhythms, students glided through a medley of Elizabethan history, all while keeping a beat. We are quite sure the Bard himself would approve of our “Shakespeare Unshackled!”

FMS middle school students (7th - 8th grade) completed their anatomy studies with a visit to: “Bodies the Exhibition.” Students witnessed connective tissues, muscles, and bones to reinforce their class dissections which included cow hearts, cow eyeballs, chicken organs, a whole dog shark, a frog, and a rat; bringing their book learning to life. With so much direct experience of doing dissections this year, FMS students have a deeper appreciation for the 13 whole-body specimens they saw at the exhibit. Close up views of the inside of the human skeletal, muscular, respiratory and circulatory systems revealed the beauty and complexity of the human body, and reinforced all of the lessons they had in class during this school year.

Dads, donuts, and science fair projects filled the lower elementary classrooms (1st - 3rd grade). Students were able to demonstrate their intellectual curiosity by participating in the annual FMS science fair. So many great questions were asked such as “Which generates more electricity: potato vs. AA batteries?,” What do sugary drinks do to your teeth?,” “What brand of sunscreen blocks better?,” and “which brand of water is most pure?” Hypotheses were declared, proofs were made, and many unexpected discoveries emerged. Father’s were also honored for the upcoming Father’s Day celebration. We wish all of our dads a Happy Father’s Day!

FMS partnered with Green our Planet this year, a local organization dedicated to creating school gardens. We have had regular visits from a farmer offering advice on caring for our plants, in addition to presenting a full gardening curriculum teaching about the intricacies of growing plants efficiently. Twice a year, Green our Planet sponsors a student lead farmers market giving students a chance to sell their produce and related gardening crafts to the Las Vegas community. Today, FMS 5th - 6th grade students attended their first farmers market selling handmade flower pots, up-cycled bird houses, basil, carrots, and other vegetables. Over $250 was raised today, with all proceeds going back to the gardening program.

Congratulations Maddie Hoggan...FMS class of 2014...NV State HS Valedictorian Class of 2018...We are beyond proud!

A D-Day simulation took place with middle school students (7th - 8th grade) reliving the pivotal invasion of Western Europe on the beaches of France's Normandy region. The historic events leading up to the invasion were discussed in class, followed by students divided into the Allies or the Axis troops to reenact battle scenes. Water guns were loaded and water balloons filled, bringing life to the facts and figures of a historical event and enjoyment to a hot Vegas afternoon!

Mother’s day comes around once a year, and yet the special place a mother holds for her children is on a daily basis. We acknowledge the love and care you shower upon your children, recognizing all that you are and all that you do for them. May you have a wonderful Mother’s Day!


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