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St Paul's Episcopal Church of Healdsburg

209 Matheson St, Healdsburg, United States
Religious Organization



A Jubilee Ministry Center offering a warm welcome, relevant worship, community service and pastoral care    St. Paul’s Episcopal Church  in Healdsburg  is  a  parish  of  the Episcopal Diocese of Northern California.  All are welcome for Communion and prayer services. The church is open all day, every day, for individual prayer and reflection. For our Young people: On Sundays, we have Sunday school at 11 am, and our Youth Group meets at 6 pm. We are located at the corner of Matheson and East Streets, one block east of the Healdsburg Town Plaza.


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Easter 5 - Listen to Mother Sally talk about how going through Jesus held together a very divided early church and can help heal our divisions today. The Youth Chorus sings Praise the Lord for Spring by Powell and the Adult Choir sings Resurrection Dance by Schulz-Widmar. Paul plays Proulx's Partita on Westminster Abbey for the Prelude and Postlude.

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Easter 4 - Listen to Mother Sally talk about the shepherd and the sheep, and the power of the community of Jesus. The Choir sings The King of Love My Shepherd Is by Englert and Paul plays Bach's Prelude & Fugue in e minor, BWV 533.

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Easter 3 - Listen to Mother Sally talk about how the power of breaking bread together (Holy Eucharist) opened the eyes of the first disciples and continues to bring us together. The Youth Chorus sings Jesus Rose and the Adult Choir sings Rejoice the Lord is King. Paul plays an arrangement of the favorite hymn In the Garden by Held for the prelude and Maestoso by Peeters for the postlude.

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Easter 2 - Listen to Rev. Linda talk about how the story of Thomas is less about his doubt and more about how Jesus reacts. The choir sings This Joyful Eastertide and Paul plays O filii et filiae by Peeters and Trumpet Tune by German.

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Easter 2017 Choir

A short photo video of the church and the choir singing McCabe's - Hilariter! The Whole Bright World Rejoices Now.

Photos from St Paul's Episcopal Church of Healdsburg's post

Easter Sunday - Listen to Mother Sally talk about how The Resurrection of Jesus is still having a profound impact on our world today. The choir sings McCabe's Hilariter! The Whole Bright World Rejoices Now and Paul plays Dubois' Toccata for the postlude.

Photos from St Paul's Episcopal Church of Healdsburg's post

Photos from St Paul's Episcopal Church of Healdsburg's post

Maundy Thursday & Good Friday - Listen to Deacon Phina talk about the Cup of Salvation and Mother Sally talk about the Jesus' ultimate sacrifice for us. Also the choir sings O Living Bread from Heaven by Matheny and It is Finished by Brumby. If you are in Healdsburg this weekend, please join us on Saturday @ 8pm for Easter Vigil and on Sunday @ 8am & 10am for Easter morning.

Photos from St Paul's Episcopal Church of Healdsburg's post

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Palm Sunday - Listen to Mother Sally talk about the dichotomy of Palm Sunday; rejoicing to the passion. The choir sings, Sing My Soul His Wondrous Love by Clarke. Paul plays Herzliebster Jesu (Ah! Holy Jesus) by Jones for the postlude.

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Sermons and music for Lent have been loaded up to the St. Paul's website.

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I like this way of inviting people in... And, almost time to put out the Easter Services Banner?


Our Bryant Nuñez, grandson of our sextons and son of long time members of our Latino Congregation! He is a super star at HJH in class, on the basketball court, and in the library. So grateful to be part of his church family. Blessings!

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If you didn't get a chance to come to Lillian Chandler's Funeral here are a few excerpts from it: Mother Sally's sermon, Jennifer Murray plays Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring on flute, our choir sings Be Thou my Vision and Paul plays Ein Feste Burg for the postlude.

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