Holy Family Academy
Private school for children
in grades pre-k through 8th grade
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Holy Family Academy Main Office will be CLOSED on Thursday, August 10th and Friday, August 11th for building maintenance. The office will be open on 8/7, 8/8 and 8/9 from 9AM until 12PM.
Anyone looking to try on the new gym uniforms before ordering can do so at the school during office hours of 8am-1pm Monday- Friday. Samples of the new shirts and pants have been received in both youth and adult sizes. The items in the gym uniform store have size charts available. Any questions on gym uniforms can be directed to PTO via Facebook or to hfapto@gmail.com.
The all new HFA Gym Uniform online store is open for business! We worked with Valley Athletics to redesign the gym uniforms which we hope all students will like. Orders can be placed from now until August 6th at midnight. In order to ensure a smooth transition to the new gym uniforms the following policies are now in place: 1. Current gym uniforms can be worn for the 2017-2018 school year and into the 2018-2019 school year at which time they will be phased out upon the completion of the 2018-2019 school year. 2. The new gym uniforms have been designed so that students who have purchased the HFA sweatshirts from the Spirit Wear store can now use them for both gym and spirit days. All remaining inventory of the current gym uniforms will be sold in the coming weeks. Details to follow. All orders for new gym uniforms are placed online just like the Spirit Wear store items and will be delivered to the school. Any questions please email us at hfapto@gmail.com or send a message through Facebook. https://hfagymuniforms.itemorder.com/sale?read_message=true
Start your school shopping early!! Spirit store is open. Stay tuned on updates for gym uniforms and spirit wear! https://holyfamilyacademy.itemorder.com/sale?read_message=true
4 person scramble, $75 per person for golf and dinner, prizes, tricky trays. Call 570-455-9431 to register. All proceeds benefit the Greater Hazleton Catholic Youth Scholarship Fund.
4 person scramble, 8 AM Shotgun start, $75 per person, call 570-455-9431 to register. All proceeds benefit the Greater Hazleton Catholic Youth Scholarship Fund.
Four person scramble, $75 per golfer, call 570-455-9431 to register. All proceeds benefit the Greater Hazleton Catholic Youth Scholarship Fund.
If your student did not receive his/her report card on the last day of school, they are available in Main Office. Office hours are Monday-Friday 8AM-1PM. All unpaid Cafeteria and Aftercare bills can be paid in the main office or by mail. Please remit 2016-2017 balances by Friday, June 30. Thank You
Happy Father's Day to all of the fathers, grandfathers and father figures of the Holy Family Academy family. May God bless you today and always.