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Valley Church

381 University Blvd, Harrisonburg, United States
Religious Organization



Join us at our NEW LOCATION

Harrisonburg Regal Theater

Sunday Mornings:

9:00am and 10:30am


Harrisonburg Regal Theater

9:00am and 10:30am


WHAT DO WE DO WITH ANGER? Here’s a question every angry man and woman needs to consider: How long are you going to allow people you don’t even like — people who are no longer in your life, maybe even people who aren’t even alive anymore — to control your life? How long? Identify who you are angry with. (Pray on who this is. Who do you have imaginary conversations with?) Practical Steps To Forgiveness Identify who you are angry with. (Pray on who this is. Who do you have imaginary conversations with?) Determine what they owe you. (Be specific, otherwise we cannot truly release.) Cancel the debt. (Quietly, in your heart, tell God that you are canceling the debt that person you are angry with owes you.) Dismiss the case. (When memories come up or feelings are stirred, remember the debt has already been cancelled. Case dismissed.)

WHAT DO WE DO WITH ANGER? Anger chains us up and fogs our brains. When anger has lodged into our hearts, we often fail to recognize that it is our sin and that it is not justified. In Ephesians, Paul says that bitterness, anger, and wrath are to be put away. It is not befitting of a Christian or of our new identity in Jesus. Rid ourselves of it. Leave no trace behind. Eliminate it. It is crushing to our soul and binding on our heart. It saps the life out of us and everyone around us. Andy Stanley speaks to the root of anger as being the idea that “you owe me.” Something has been taken, and someone has to pay. Another way to think of it is that we have not gotten our way. The pathway out of anger is forgiveness. Paul says in Ephesians 4:32, “Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.” The way we forgive is not to look at the other person who owes us and decide if they deserve it or not. The way to forgive is to look at what God did for us in Christ on the cross. He cancelled our debt rather than making us pay. He let us off the hook when we did not deserve it. In the same way it has been done for us, do to others. The more deeply we reflect on the forgiveness given to us, the more we will release others and not allow anger and bitterness to swallow us up. Here’s a question every angry man and woman needs to consider: How long are you going to allow people you don’t even like — people who are no longer in your life, maybe even people who aren’t even alive anymore — to control your life? How long? Join Me @ 5:00 today for a live discussion about anger.

RELEASE IT! How Far Into Your Future Do You Intend To Carry Your Anger Created In Your Past? How Long Do You Plan To Allow The People Who Mistreated You To Influence You? My Past Will Remind Me, Not Define Me. Release The Past, So the Past Can Release You. Your Best Bet For A Successful Future Is For You To Own Your Share Of The Past. You Can't Blame Your Way Into A Better Future.

People size each other up all the time. We all do it. This command from Jesus has the power to change all of your relationships. Jesus said "Judge Not!" When we judge people we are sizing them up and writing them off. There is only one Judge and that's God!!

How To Ensure The Next Time Won't Be Like The Last Time... Own Your Part In The Mistake Rethink The Situation Release The Past Your best bet for a successful future is to own your share of the past mistake. We learn from mistakes, in the area's that matter's least. (Sending a text we wished we wouldn't have sent.) We repeat our mistakes, in the areas that matter the most. (Financially, romantically, career and academically.) We just don't learn from our past mistakes. You can't blame your way into a better future. Blame sets us up for a repeat performance!!

Join us this Sunday for "The Ghost" series. 9:00am and 10:30am @ The Regal!

How often do you play the "if only" game? If only I had to do it over. If only I had listened sooner. If only I could erase the past. If only I could forgive myself. Because no one is perfect, we al have regrets. We've all made bad choices, said foolish things, wasted time, and hurt others and ourselves. Many people are driven by their guilt. We are products of our past, but we don't have to be prisoners of it. God's plan for your life is not limited by your past. God specializes in given people a fresh start. The Bible says, "What happiness for those whose guilt has been forgiven! What relief for those who have confessed their sins and God has cleared their record? How to ensure the next time won't be like the last time. Own Your Part In The Mistake Rethink What Happened Release It, So You Don't Get Stuck

When God? What Do You Do: When God Feels Distant? When God Does Not Cooperate? When God Does Not Show Up? We all face times when it feels like God is far away. Our prayers are unanswered and our circumstances go from bad to worse. Misconception: Many of us believe that God's silence means God is absent. You can become a prisoner to what you see and hear. Your personal circumstances does not necessarily coincide with how God feels about you. Proof of how God feels about you is what happened at the cross. Jesus said, "It is finished."

Join us this Sunday for a service you won't want to miss. We will be having a celebration service in honor of Danny Wimer! Kelly May Brown and Chuck Bonds will be back to worship with us. Let's all come together and celebrate the life that Danny has lived. We will be live streaming the service to his living room so he can have a front row seat. Please keep him and his family in your prayers. Come out and show him how much we love him Sunday at 9:00am and 10:30am.


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