Canoe Club
Serving Inventive Food & 24 Draft Beers 11:30- 11:30 Since our inception in 2003, the Canoe Club’s mission has been to present straightforward food with a flair. Our menu has consistently reflected a commitment to fresh, natural local and regional food.
Virtually all of our food has always been prepared from scratch in our kitchen, generally on a daily basis. The constantly evolving menus feature innovative meat, seafood, and vegetarian entrees, as well as old favorites. The daily specials reflect our keen awareness of fresh, seasonal opportunities including hard-to-find wild edibles.
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facebook.comUpcoming Entertainment: Mon., May 1st Marko the Magician [Tableside] Stunning close-up magic. 5:30 to 8:30 Tues., May 2nd Joseph Stallsmith - channeling great acoustic music 6:00 – 9:00 Energized, bar room folk music: Buddy Holly, Elvis, John Hiatt, Beatles, to Nanci Griffith. Wed., May 3rd Will Ogmundson - Very Eclectic Piano 6:00 – 9:00 Will has performed throughout New England and Western Europe. An accomplished, published composer, he’s also recorded 4 CDs and plays everything from ragtime to current hits Fri., May 5th Ted Mortimer – sublime jazz guitar 6:00 – 9:00 Spirited jazz standards, some swing and Latin songs. Nice vocals too. Sat., May 6th Tim Utt & Barbara Blaisdell - tasteful, rollicking tunes 6:00 – 9:00 Sensible Shoes vets Barbara and Tim as a piano/guitar duo, playing an eclectic mix of energized originals and cover tunes from Patsy Cline to Randy Newman. ASCAP award-winners! Mon., May 8th Marko the Magician [Tableside] Stunning close-up magic. 5:30 to 8:30 Wed., May 10th Joseph Stallsmith - channeling great acoustic music 6:00 – 9:00 Energized, bar room folk music: Buddy Holly, Elvis, John Hiatt, Beatles, to Nanci Griffith. Thurs., May 11th Randall Mullen - Piano 6:00 – 9:00 Drawing upon decades in the trenches, Randall pulls out a slew of old, fine standards. Fri., May 12th Bob Lucier – Jazz Piano 6:00 – 9:00 A purveyor of jazz skillfully spanning the vast turf between Prof. Longhair and Oscar Peterson. Sat., May 13th Gillian Joy – mellow piano 6:00 – 9:00 Her soulful solo piano style has been compared to George Winston. Delightful, soothing sound. Sun., May 14th Sam Weinburger - Piano 6:00 – 9:00 Currently a student at Kimball Union Academy but playing for eight years now. Classical, improv jazz, and original pieces that bend classical pieces to make them his own. Mon., May 15th Marko the Magician [Tableside] Stunning close-up magic. 5:30 to 8:30
Upcoming Events and Entertainment: Sat., April 8th Randall Mullen - Piano 6:00 – 9:00 Drawing upon decades in the trenches, Randall pulls out a slew of old, fine standards. Sun., April 9th Rowley Hazard 6:00 – 9:00 After years as a folk and pop guitarist, Rowley’s also morphed into a Latin-tinged of jazz singer. Mon., April 10th Marko the Magicia [Tableside] Stunning close-up magic. 5:30 to 8:30 Tues., April 11th Bruce Gregori – Fantastic Eclectic Guitar 6:00 – 9:00 Dazzling audiences for 36 years with his soulful acoustic guitar in high energy shows. Wed., April 12th Ed Eastridge & Jakob Breitbach • Great Guitar & Fiddle 7:00 – 10:00 Ed is justifiably high on Jakob’s fabulous fiddle work which he brings from Seattle via the stringband Blackberry Bushes. High expectations for a special night. N.B. slightly later hours. Fri., April 14th John Stowell & Billy Rosen – fine guitar celebration 6:00 – 9:00 Please check John out at or on Wikipedia. Big deal. A compelling duo. Joining our own special guitarist, Billy Rosen to celebrate the elevated duo jazz guitar sound. Sat., April 15th Ted Mortimer & Linda Boudreault – Jazz/pop bliss 6:00 – 9:00 Sensational jazz guitar and vocals duo. This silky smooth, well-established pairing performs spirited jazz ballad standards, along with some swing and Latin songs. Mon., April 17th Marko the Magician [Tableside] Stunning close-up magic. 5:30 to 8:30 Tues., April 18th Cyn Barrette & Alki Steriopoulos Lively Piano/Vox 6:00 to 9:00 Alki, a pianist extraordinaire, has appeared in concert with rock-n-roll Hall of Famers, The Band, Richie Havens, Joel Gray, and Brazilian superstar, Milton Nascimento. Also led his exciting New York Latin-jazz band, “Zig-Zag”. Don't miss a repeat of his fine link-up with the UV’s very own, homegrown jazz vocalist, Cyn Barrette. Wed., April 19th Bob Lucier – Jazz Piano 6:00 – 9:00 A purveyor of jazz skillfully spanning the vast turf between Prof. Longhair and Oscar Peterson. Thurs., April 20th Billy Rosen – Jazz Guitar 6:00 – 9:00 A top Upper Valley jazz guitarist on controlled solo fights and excursions of jazz invention. Fri., April 21st Cormac McCarthy – star folkie 6:00 – 9:00 A silky baritone voice and just enough grit – plus a marvelous sense of humor. He’s been invited 3 times to the stage of the Newport Folk Festival, and 2x on NPR’s Mountain Stage. Sat., April 22nd Gillian Joy – mellow piano 6:00 – 9:00 Her soulful solo piano style has been compared to George Winston. Delightful, soothing sound. Mon., April 24th Marko the Magician [Tableside] Stunning close-up magic. 5:30 to 8:30 Tues., April 25th Bruce Gregori – Fantastic Eclectic Guitar 6:00 – 9:00 Dazzling all for 36 years with soulful acoustic guitar in high energy shows. “Loop master”! Wed., April 26th Randall Mullen - Piano 6:00 – 9:00 Drawing upon decades in the trenches, Randall pulls out a slew of old, fine standards. Thurs., April 27th Bob Lucier – Jazz Piano 6:00 – 9:00 A purveyor of jazz skillfully spanning the vast turf between Prof. Longhair and Oscar Peterson. Fri., April 28th Ted Mortimer – sublime jazz guitar 6:00 – 9:00 Spirited jazz standards, swing and Latin songs. Nice vocals too. Great! Sat., April 29th Cindy Geilich – eclectic vox / guitar & Laurianne Jordan 6:00 – 9:00 Cindy channels Winehouse, Sinatra, Beatles, Marley and originals burnished by her splendid voice & guitar. With the fine bonus of Laurianne Jordan’s stunning harmony work!
Mon., March 13th Marko the Magician [Tableside] Stunning close-up magic. 5:30 to 8:30 Tues., March 14th Bob Lucier – Jazz Piano 6:00 – 9:00 A purveyor of jazz skillfully spanning the vast turf between Prof. Longhair and Oscar Peterson. Wed., March 15th Joseph Stallsmith - channeling great acoustic music 6:00 – 9:00 Energized, bar room folk music: Buddy Holly, Elvis, John Hiatt, Beatles, to Nanci Griffith. Thur., March 16th Ted Mortimer – sublime jazz guitar 6:00 – 9:00 Spirited jazz standards, some swing and Latin songs. Nice vocals too. Fri., March 17th TBD Sat., March 18 Larry Allen Brown, Bob McCarthy & Billy Martin – A CD Release Party and CC debut 8:00 – 10:30 Perhaps the most extraordinary CD (Covered Bridges) we’ve received in the mail in a decade! Truly compelling lyrics and heartfelt vocals driven by memorable tunes. Describing love lost, loneliness, desperation, and occasionally, elation. The music is polished Americana one might describe as Chamber Folk with a country lilt. Three superb instrumentalists and one resonant, heart-tugging voice. Bassist Billy Martin is a key to the sound, and on additional guitars and mandolin, the incomparable Bob McCarthy. Larry, guitarist and vocalist extraordinaire, is a long-ago Berklee grad who grew up on Dylan, Dave Van Ronk, Chris Smithers, and the whole gamut of folkies from the 60s. To listen, please click on “Southwest of Eden” from this link Sun., March 19th TBD 6:00 – 9:00 Mon., March 20th Marko the Magician [Tableside] Stunning close-up magic. 5:30 to 8:30 Tues., March 21st Gillian Joy – mellow piano 6:00 – 9:00 Her soulful solo piano style has been compared to George Winston. Delightful, soothing sound. Wed., March 22nd John Lovejoy piano whiz 6:30 – 9:30 Material from jazz standards to pop tunes -- Beatles, Loggins & Messina, Cole Porter. Thur., March 23rd Bob Lucier – Jazz Piano 6:00 – 9:00 A purveyor of jazz skillfully spanning the vast turf between Prof. Longhair and Oscar Peterson. Fri., March 24th Ed Eastridge & Jakob Breitbach • Great Guitar & Fiddle 6:00 – 9:00 Ed is high on Jakob’s fabulous fiddle work which he brings from Seattle via the stringband Blackberry Bushes. Very high expectations for a special night. Don’t miss his CC debut. Sat., March 25th Ted Mortimer – sublime jazz guitar 6:00 – 9:00 Spirited jazz standards, some swing and Latin songs. Nice vocals too. Sun., March 26th TBD 6:00 – 9:00 Mon., March 27th Marko the Magician [Tableside] Stunning close-up magic. 5:30 to 8:30 Tues., March 28th Bob Lucier – Jazz Piano 6:00 – 9:00 A purveyor of jazz skillfully spanning the vast turf between Prof. Longhair and Oscar Peterson. Wed., March 29th TBD 6:00 – 9:00 Thur., March 30th Jonathan Kaplan - jazzy piano 6:00 – 9:00 Jazz piano innuendo and improv. Music from Dylan to the Dead, Broadway to the Beatles. Fri., March 31st Gillian Joy – mellow piano 6:00 – 9:00 Her soulful solo piano style has been compared to George Winston. Delightful, soothing sound. Sat., April 1st Tim Utt & Barbara Blaisdell - tasteful, rollicking tunes 6:00 – 9:00 Sensible Shoes vets Barbara and Tim as a piano/guitar duo, playing an eclectic mix of energized originals and cover tunes from Patsy Cline to Randy Newman. ASCAP award-winners!
BEGINNING MARCH 1, ALL ENTERTAINMENT WILL BE 6PM to 9PM WITH THE EXCEPTION OF MAGIC ON MONDAYS (STILL 5:30 to 8:30) Thur., March 2nd Ted Mortimer – sublime jazz guitar 6:00 – 9:00 Spirited jazz standards, some swing and Latin songs. Nice vocals too. Fri., March 3rd William Ögmundson [see Feb. 23] 6:00 – 9:00 Will has performed throughout New England and Western Europe. A published composer, he also has recorded four CDs and plays everything from classical to ragtime to current hits. Sat., March 4th Cindy Geilich – eclectic vox / guitar 6:00 – 9:00 Winehouse, Sinatra, Beatles, Marley and originals burnished by her splendid voice & guitar. Sun., March 5th Carlos Ocasio 6:00 – 9:00 Singer–songwriter best known as front man for the Frydaddy and Gusano Bands. Repertoire includes: Caribbean Quattro, Delta slide blues and soul. Real talent of seemingly infinite range. Mon., March 6 Marko the Magician [Tableside] Stunning close-up magic. 5:30 to 8:30 Tues., March 7th Bob Lucier – Jazz Piano 6:00 – 9:00 A purveyor of jazz skillfully spanning the vast turf between Prof. Longhair and Oscar Peterson. Wed., March 8th TBD 6:00 – 9:00 Thur., March 9th Gillian Joy – mellow piano [see Feb. 26] 6:00 – 9:00 Fri., March 10th William Ögmundson [see Feb. 23] 6:00 – 9:00 Sat., March 11th Jules Evens - jazz piano CC Debut 6:00 – 9:00 Jules is a sophomore at Skidmore College where he studies jazz piano. Previously, he had extensive classical training He also plays in the 6-piece jazz ensemble at Skidmore. Don’t miss. Mon., March 13th Marko the Magician [Tableside] Stunning close-up magic. 5:30 to 8:30 Tues., March 14th Bob Lucier – Jazz Piano 6:00 – 9:00 A purveyor of jazz skillfully spanning the vast turf between Prof. Longhair and Oscar Peterson. Wed., March 15th Joseph Stallsmith - channeling great acoustic music 6:00 – 9:00 Energized, bar room folk music: Buddy Holly, Elvis, John Hiatt, Beatles, to Nanci Griffith. Thur., March 16th Ted Mortimer – sublime jazz guitar 6:00 – 9:00 Spirited jazz standards, some swing and Latin songs. Nice vocals too.
Thur., Jan. 26th Joseph Stallsmith - channeling great acoustic music 6:30 – 9:30 Energized, bar room folk music: Buddy Holly, Elvis, John Hiatt, Beatles, to Nanci Griffith. Fri., Jan. 27th Jonathan Kaplan - jazzy piano 6:30 – 9:30 Jazz piano innuendo and improv. Music from Dylan to the Dead, Broadway to the Beatles. Sat., Jan. 28th Rowley Hazard 6:30 – 9:30 After years as a folk and pop guitarist, Rowley’s also morphed into a Latin-tinged of jazz singer. Sun., Jan. 29th Billy Rosen – Jazz Guitar 6:30 – 9:30 A top Upper Valley jazz guitarist on controlled solo fights and excursions of jazz invention. Mon., Jan. 30th Marko the Magician [Tableside Magic] 5:30 to 8:30 Close-up magic that mystifies esteemed professors and pre-teens. Stupendous prestidigitation. Tues., Jan. 31st Gillian Joy 6:30 – 9:30 Gillian's soulful solo piano style has been compared to George Winston. After playing in fine restaurants on Maine coast for 7 years, she’s brought her well-honed chops to the Hanover area. Wed., Feb. 1st William Ögmundson – fantastic piano 6:30 – 9:30 Will’s performed throughout New England and Western Europe. A published composer, he’s recorded four CDs and plays everything from ragtime to current hits – appealing to all ages. Thur., Feb. 2nd Bob Lucier – Jazz Piano 6:30 – 9:30 A purveyor of jazz skillfully spanning the turf between Prof. Longhair and Oscar Peterson. Fri., Feb. 3rd Joseph Stallsmith - channeling great acoustic music 6:30 – 9:30 Energized, bar room folk music: Buddy Holly, Elvis, John Hiatt, Beatles, to Nanci Griffith. Sat., Feb. 4th Tim Utt & Barbara Blaisdell - tasteful, rollicking tunes 6:30 – 9:30 Sensible Shoes vets Barbara and Tim as a piano/guitar duo, playing an eclectic mix of energized originals and cover tunes from Patsy Cline to Randy Newman. ASCAP award-winners! Sun., Feb. 5th SUPERBOWL – 91" Screen 6:30 RESERVE NOW! Uncharacteristically, the sound will be on. Our legendary Wings, Bacon Grilled Cheese, and the CC BLT will be available alongside the regular dinner menu. The disinterested may be assured of ‘Sinatra’ tunes in the main dining room. Mon., Feb. 6th Marko the Magician [Tableside Magic] 5:30 to 8:30 Close-up magic mystifying esteemed professors and pre-teens. Stupendous prestidigitation. Wed., Feb. 8 Billy Rosen – Jazz Guitar 6:30 – 9:30 A top Upper Valley jazz guitarist on controlled solo fights and excursions of jazz invention. Thur., Feb. 9th Bob Lucier – Jazz Piano 6:30 – 9:30 A purveyor of jazz skillfully spanning the turf between Prof. Longhair and Oscar Peterson. Fri., Feb. 10th William Ögmundson – fantastic piano 6:30 – 9:30 Will’s performed throughout New England and Western Europe. A published composer, he’s recorded four CDs and plays everything from ragtime to current hits – appealing to all ages. Sat., Feb. 11th Joseph Stallsmith - channeling great acoustic music 6:30 – 9:30 Energized, bar room folk music: Buddy Holly, Elvis, John Hiatt, Beatles, to Nanci Griffith. Sun., Feb. 12th Jonathan Kaplan - jazzy piano 6:30 – 9:30 Jazz piano innuendo and improv. Music from Dylan to the Dead, Broadway to the Beatles. Mon.,Feb. 13th Marko the Magician [Tableside Magic]5:30 to 8:30 Close-up magic mystifying esteemed professors and pre-teens. Stupendous prestidigitation. Tues., Feb. 14th Becky Bailey & Sonny Saul – Valentine’s Vox & Piano 6:00 – 9:00 Get your Valentine's soundtrack from the jazz duo of Becky, vocals, and Sonny on piano. Bailey brings a background of jazz, classical, world music and theater to songs from the Great American Songbook plus newer material--accompanied by the Sonny’s sensitive, varied keyboard, a performer/ composer (recently scoring a text by cartoonist James Sturm). Thur., Feb. 16th Cyn Barrette Trio – jazz vox with great accompanists 6:30 – 9:30 Cyn’s spectacular, with-it vocals and engaging way are a focal point for great talent: Peter Concillio, the noted upright bassist; and the great pianist and accompanist Bob Merrill. Fri., Feb. 17th Tim Utt & Barbara Blaisdell - tasteful, rollicking tunes 6:30 – 9:30 Sensible Shoes vets Barbara and Tim as a piano/guitar duo, playing an eclectic mix of energized originals and cover tunes from Patsy Cline to Randy Newman. ASCAP award-winners!
Lucy Chapin and Lowell Thompson
New Year's Eve: Sat., Dec. 31st Lydia Gray • Ed Eastridge • Andy Bourke 7:30 – 11:00 First rate jazz singer, uber-noted guitarist, and bassist extraordinaire join forces to serve up a sophisticated jazz mélange. Just right for New Year’s Eve! PLEASE CALL US TO MAKE YOUR RESERVATION!
Tues., Dec. 20th Bruce Gregori – Fantastic Eclectic Guitar 6:30 – 9:30 Dazzling audiences for 36 years with his soulful acoustic guitar in high energy shows throughout the U.S and Europe. Great reaction to first 8 visits! Wed., Dec. 21 LUCY CHAPIN • LOWELL THOMPSON • TYLER BOLLES 7:30-10:30 Three top musicians join forces for a night of lively acoustic entertainment Americana roots, some jam band riffs and inventive versions of tasteful covers. For more info on two Burlington- based stars who’ve been playing the top clubs around the U.S.:; and Enjoy as well a rare appearance by Lucy -; Thur., Dec. 22nd The North Country Chordsmen 7:45 to 8:30 - A burst of some of the finest close harmony singing in Northern New England. Barbershop that “sings” for all. People who claim they’re not fans of “barbershop” love these singers! Fri., Dec. 23rd Gillian Joy 6:30 – 9:30 Her soulful solo piano style: compared to George Winston. A delightful, soothing sound. Sat., Dec. 24th Jonathan Kaplan 6:30 – 9:30 Jazz piano innuendo and improv. Music from Dylan to the Dead, Broadway to the Beatles. Sun., Dec. 25th CLOSED! Mon., Dec. 26th Marko the Magician [Tableside] 5:30 - 8:30 Stupendous prestidigitation. Tues., Dec. 27th Joseph Stallsmith 6:30-9:30 Energized, barroom folk music - ranging from Buddy Holly, Elvis, John Stewart, John Hiatt, Beatles, Nanci Griffith to Hoagy Carmichael. A great mix of comfort music.
Additional Highlights: Almost Every Monday - Marko [Tableside Magic] Stupendous, all-ages prestidigitation 5:30 - 8:30 This Sat., Dec. 3 rd The Party Crashers Sensational Full-on DANCE BAND! • N.B.: 9:00 – Midnight • 3 females (lead vocals, sax/flute, bass) and 2 males (guitar & drums) playing high-energy funk, soul, R&B, and rock. The talk of VT/NH! Emily Musty: dynamic lead vocalist; Kristin Higgins: bass; Katie Runde: sax; Ted Mortimer: guitar & vocals; Tom Jellison: drums/vox. RSVP! DANCING! Thur., Dec. 8 th Cyn Barrette Trio – jazz vox w/ Bob Merrill & Peter Concillio 6:30 – 9:30 Cyn’s spectacular, with-it vocals with Peter, noted upright bassist; Bob, pianist extraordinaire Fri., Dec. 9 Ted Mortimer & Katie Runde 6:30 – 9:30 International ace (sax/flute/bass clarinet) joins the inimitable guitarist Ted M, Every Wed in Dec.,: UNWINED WEDNESDAY: 50 wines from our award- winning list offered at 50% off when purchased with a meal. Enjoy such favorites as ½ La Crema Pinot Noir ($17); Poema Cava ($15); Buehler Zin ($22); Guigal Châteauneuf-du- Pape ($50); Antica Chard ($34)
Sat., Dec. 3 The Party Crashers – Full-on DANCE Band! 9:00 – Midnight Three females and two males playing funk, soul, R&B, and rock. A high energy show is delivered by this popular VT/NH band. Emily Musty: lead vocalist extraordinaire; Kristin Higgins: bass; Katie Runde: sax & flute; Ted Mortimer: guitar & vocals; Tom Jellison: drums/ vox. Dancing for all ages! Reserve! Sun., Dec. 4th Tom Lord - Piano 6:30 – 9:30 Tom’s a featured performer with local groups in the Upper Valley, blending vocals of pop and R&B songs, from Coldplay to Marvin Gaye, with his own distinctive piano style. Mon., Dec. 5th Marko the Magician [Tableside] 5:30 - 8:30 Stupendous prestidigitation.
Mon., Nov. 14th Marko the Magician [Tableside Magic] 5:30 to 8:30 Close-up magic that mystifies esteemed professors and pre-teens. Stupendous prestidigitation. Tues., Nov. 15th Bruce Gregori – Eclectic Guitar 6:30 – 9:30 Dazzling audiences for 36 years with his soulful acoustic guitar in high energy shows throughout the U.S and Europe. Great reaction to first 8 visits! Wed., Nov. 16th John Lovejoy 6:30 – 9:30 Pianist/vocalist w/ material ranges from jazz standards to pop tunes -- Beatles, Loggins & Messina, Cole Porter. A jaunty style that really perks up the room! Thur., Nov. 17th Jonathan Kaplan 6:30 – 9:30 Jazz piano innuendo and improv. Music from Dylan to the Dead, Broadway to the Beatles. Fri., Nov. 18th Randall Mullen - Piano 6:30 – 9:30 Drawing upon decades in the trenches, Randall pulls out a slew of old, fine standards.