Stars Hollow Hill
Stars Hollow Hill Mini Orchard & Hilltop Farm
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facebook.comOur Welcome Box came a few weeks ago from Henny & Roo & it was AWESOME!!! Our next box should b here Soon! So Exciting!!! The Ladies LOVED all their treats & I LOVED the Fun items for Me! 😉 Looking forward to February's box 😃 Yes, I Am wearing those long chicken leg socks 🤣❤🤣
After our big run in w the hawk we contacted our new friends at True North Homestead & got 1 of their Amazing, all natural First Aid Kits for chickens!!! I am Happy to say Oprah is all healed & doing Great, as if nothing ever happened! ❤ I can't believe how well this all worked out ❤
TOTALLY FREAKING OUT!!! Let my ladies free range for a bit. Ran inside for a few minutes when I heard something odd. Came out to find Oprah in the clutches of a hawk!!! The hawk flew away & Oprah seems to have only 1 minor wound, but my heart is Still racing!!! 🙁🙁🙁 She clearly put up a good fight too, cause there are feathers everywhere! 🙁🙁🙁 Everyone seems fine now, but I can't believe I let this happen 😡 I am a Terrible mom 😢 Their Chicken Box should be here soon & hopefully all will be right in their world again ❤
🤣While we are looking at adding a large breed hearding dog I don't think this will do it!🤣
Warm oatmeal & apples always make things a little better. 🤣 I think they picked out all the Apple pieces 1st 🤣
We have been just under, or just over 0°F here in southern CT. Yesterday I noticed my birds shivering when they were free ranging! I Quadrupled the liner around their run & now it actually seems nice & warm inside for them. I was SO Worried I would find frozen chickens 🙁, but everyone is doing great now & I even had liquid water still in the waterer. Yes, it was covered by ice, but not completely frozen! Even the eggs seem warmer. I think we are good here now for the cold. ❤ Maybe a little less free ranging for now tho. I noticed them shivering again this morning once out of their run/coop.
First we are gonna hardboil some of the Ladies eggs! Can't Wait for Spring...for warmer weather & more colors 😊❤😅
Farm chores took longer than usual this am due to the cold & it's only gonna get colder! Stocking up on bird seed & suet for the wildlife today. They need help too.
Farm chores done for the morning. 4 out of 5 for now ain't bad. Probably get the last 1 after 5 tonight 🤤 That lady likes to be different & lay Late! 🤣
Getting some apples ready for the ladies! ❤
Last 2 eggs of the day. Perfect & warm! I have 2 girls that like to lay between noon & 5pm! You can't tell, but they are both large eggs. ❤ Love my Ladies ❤
Some of the ladies grabbing a quick sip after running around foraging & dust bathing while I clean out their coop ❤🤣❤