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Lawndale Baptist Church

3505 Lawndale Dr, Greensboro, United States
Baptist Church



Lawndale Baptist Every person or organization holds to some set of rules, ideals or governing beliefs that can be described as their 'worldview'. People are shaped by what they believe. At Lawndale, we believe that the purposeful, balanced and orderly design of our universe points directly to a powerful, intelligent, Designer/Creator. Furthermore, we also believe that this Designer/Creator has not only given us evidence of His existence through the magnificent surroundings of the world, but has further revealed who He is through a book called the Bible. The Bible describes mankind as the crowning achievement of God's creation.      

According to the Bible, God created mankind to have fellowship with Him. The Bible also teaches that fellowship between mankind and God was broken when man disobeyed Him and sinned. Mankind was left in an eternal dilemma. On our own, we could never recover from our sin and separation problem. The Bible teaches that God was fully aware of man's dilemma. God in the flesh, Jesus Christ, came to earth on a mission of love and mercy. That mission brought Jesus to a cross, where He bled, suffered and died to restore man's relationship with Him. He did this by taking man's penalty for sin upon Himself. His bodily resurrection three days later proved His power over sin and death. The members of Lawndale understand that it is possible for anyone to have a restored relationship with God. The Bible teaches that there is nothing that a person could do to earn it. God's gift of a restored relationship and eternal life in heaven can only be received by faith. Lawndale is on a journey to connect people to the good news of restoration, hope and eternal life.

We invite you to become a part of that journey!


We look forward to seeing you tomorrow morning at 9:15 or 10:45 for worship! For more information on our services, visit:

We look forward to seeing you tomorrow morning at 9:15 or 10:45 for worship!

For more information on our services, visit:

To Perfectly Love is to Perfectly Hate: Week 3

In case you missed it: last night's sermon is now available on our website and podcast!

We look forward to seeing you tonight at church! Coffee and fellowship begins at 7:00 and corporate worship begins at 7:15! To learn more about our Thursday night service, visit:

We look forward to seeing you tonight at church! Coffee and fellowship begins at 7:00 and corporate worship begins at 7:15! 

To learn more about our Thursday night service, visit:

Happy Wednesday! Come check out what we have going on at church tonight: 5:00 Family Dinner 6:15 Lawndale Student Ministry Student Worship 6:15 Adult Prayer & Bible Study We have a place for you here at Lawndale. To learn more about our various ministries, visit:

Happy Wednesday! Come check out what we have going on at church tonight:

5:00 Family Dinner
6:15 Lawndale Student Ministry Student Worship
6:15 Adult Prayer & Bible Study 

We have a place for you here at Lawndale. To learn more about our various ministries, visit:

We look forward to seeing you this morning for worship at 9:15 or 10:45!

We look forward to seeing you this morning for worship at 9:15 or 10:45!

To Perfectly Love is to Perfectly Hate: Week 2

Thursday night's sermon is now available on our website and podcast! And make sure to join us next Thursday night at 7:00!

We look forward to seeing you tonight at church for week 2 of our series, "To Perfectly Love is to Perfectly Hate." Coffee and fellowship begins at 7:00 and corporate worship begins at 7:15!

We look forward to seeing you tonight at church for week 2 of our series, "To Perfectly Love is to Perfectly Hate." Coffee and fellowship begins at 7:00 and corporate worship begins at 7:15!

We look forward to seeing you tonight at church! Here is our schedule of events: 5:00 Family Dinner 6:15 Adult Prayer & Bible Study 6:15 Lawndale Student Ministry Student worship

We look forward to seeing you tonight at church! Here is our schedule of events:

5:00 Family Dinner
6:15 Adult Prayer & Bible Study
6:15 Lawndale Student Ministry Student worship

We look forward to seeing you this morning as we continue in our series in 1 Kings! Join us at 9:15 or 10:45 AM!

We look forward to seeing you this morning as we continue in our series in 1 Kings! Join us at 9:15 or 10:45 AM!

There’s still time to join us for our Thursday night service! Coffee and fellowship begins at 7:00, corporate worship begins at 7:15!

There’s still time to join us for our Thursday night service! Coffee and fellowship begins at 7:00, corporate worship begins at 7:15!

We look forward to seeing you tonight at church! Lawndale Student Ministry student worship returns tonight! Here is our schedule of activities: 5:00 Family Dinner 6:15 Adult Prayer & Bible Study 6:15 Student Worship For more information on our student ministry, visit:

We look forward to seeing you tonight at church! Lawndale Student Ministry student worship returns tonight! Here is our schedule of activities:

5:00 Family Dinner
6:15 Adult Prayer & Bible Study
6:15 Student Worship 

For more information on our student ministry, visit:

One Man And His God

Yesterday's sermon from Dr. Joe's new series is now available on our podcast!
