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Seymour, the pub

5 Bank Row, Greenfield, United States





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If you can't find a reason to get pumped about something on this list then you're probably the kind of humorless jerk who can find a reason to have a bad time with free chocolate and kittens.

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Repair The Third: Greenfield Is Great!

The Repair Public returns to Seymour!! This Sunday, come by and bring that favorite lamp that never reliably works! We can help! Bring that turntable that keeps slowing down/speeding up/refuses to start! We can help! We've fixed mixers, blenders, wooden stools, hinges, broken hearts and more! We will have Ben Gagnon and his team of ever so helpful facilitators on hand to help you repair your beloved items and begin a second life together. This is one of the community projects that we at Seymour are most proud to be a part of. Come by a part of it with us!

Repair The Third: Greenfield Is Great!

Seymour Presents: French MotoGP

Let's watch the French GP and send some healing vibes to Nicky for a speedy recovery. We are having our second Repair Public in the afternoon before the race, so please come hang early if you've got some stuff you want help or company on fixing. Practices and Qualifying begin at 6, race at 7. Hope to see y'all.

Seymour Presents: French MotoGP

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Cornell on the stereo all night. Rest in power.

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Ya like Negronis? Ya like Rye whiskey? Meet the Boulevardier, your new bff. Spicy, rich, herbaceous-it's certainly one of our favorite things. Come get one this week!

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Call your mom. • • Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers of many forms. Swing by, with or without your mom, for a beer or a bloody or our featured signature cocktail of the week - a classic daiquiri! #seymoursunday #mothersday #mom #callyourmom #bloodymary #daquiri #craftbeer #rainysunday

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We've got hooks for your stuff and stools for your butts! Also, to all of our patrons-please give yourselves a big round of applause for not sticking gum to the bottom of our bar. It means the world to us that we have such respectful regulars.

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Look at the dreamy, pillowy head on this glass of "Victoria" from Allagash. You could get lost in it it if you wanted to. You could let the subtle interplay between the yeast, Chardonnay grapes and soft kisses of semi-sweet malt sweep you away into a world of fantastical delight. You could do that. You should do that.

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Remember to take it daiquiri by daiquiri or this world'll eat you alive.

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Our main squeeze. Forget the blender-we're shaking up delicious almost-classic Daiquiris for YOU all week. Call it a harbinger of those tropical New England summers that we all know and love. Rhum Barbancourt, Fee Brothers, John D. Taylor's Velvet Falernum

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Wow. That's a handsome list if I do say so myself!

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Try not. Imbibe or imbibe not. There is no try.

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