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Greendale Public Library

5647 Broad St, Greendale, United States




What a TEA-RRIFIC day for an afternoon tea!

The Polish Center of Wisconsin was the perfect venue on this beautiful sunny day! Thank you to our sponsors- the Polish Center, First Weber Realtor Doug Milinovich, Clifden Court, Thrivent Financial and Kathy Miller with Tealightful. Thank you to all the volunteers, cooks, bakers and servers. A special thank you to Sharon Holden for the dark chocolate truffles and for running the kitchen, Clifden Court Dietary Department for the scones and Jenifer Linske, a 2016 Journal Sentinel Holiday Cookie Contest winner, for the cookies. Thank you to the Busy Quilting Bees for helping serve and clean up! With all my gratitude and appreciation, thank you to Judy and Ray Roberts who organized the event and were the first there and last to leave. On behalf of the Greendale Public Library staff and trustees, THANK YOU for your support!

What a TEA-RRIFIC day for an afternoon tea!

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We are need of supplies for our Summer Reading Program! If you have new, gently used or leftover craft items, please consider dropping them off at the library. We have a collection bin at the entrance. Thank you for your generosity! Terra cotta pots– small Artificial moss Tea cups Thimbles Silverware Wine corks Small artificial flowers Dollhouse pieces, small figurines, plastic animals Colored clay Buttons Rhinestones, gems, sequins Pony beads Wood beads Plastic lanyard cord Altoid tins Paper towel tubes Wooden clip clothespins

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My Two Elaines

Former Wisconsin Gov. Martin J. Schreiber has seen his beloved wife Elaine gradually transform from the woman who gracefully entertained in the state’s Executive Residence to one who could no longer drive a car, follow a recipe, use the bathroom or dress herself. In My Two Elaines: Learning, Coping, and Surviving as an Alzheimer’s Caregiver, Schreiber candidly counsels those who take on similar caregiving roles. We had 75 people attend Marty's presentation today. Thank you to the Greendale Health Department, the Milwaukee County Department of Aging and Clifden Court for sharing a wealth of information and resources with the participants.

My Two Elaines

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Greendale resident and author, Lee Krecklow, will be at the Hose Tower next Friday, May 12th at 6:30pm to discuss his debut novel, Expanse Between. His book will be available starting May 9th! Congratulations, Lee! Greendale, let's support one of our own! Registration is not required for this event.

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Greendale Public Library's cover photo

Greendale Public Library's cover photo

Photos from Greendale Public Library's post

May the 4th Be With You!

Photos from Greendale Public Library's post

Photos from Greendale Public Library's post

Stop by the Greendale Public Library Youth Area to celebrate May the Fourth Be With You! There are lots of Star Wars character children’s crafts, including paperbag puppets, headbands, and other old fashioned crafts. There’s also a hide-and-seek rebus activity where the kids can search for the hidden Star Wars characters around the library and decode a secret message. We are open until 8pm tonight. Families, please stop by!

Photos from Greendale Public Library's post

Star Wars at the library today!

Star Wars at the library today!

Read You Must

Celebrate May the 4th Be with You at the Greendale Public Library today! May the force be with you!

Read You Must

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🌟 🌟 🌟 Congratulations to our very own, Mia! 🌟 🌟 🌟 Mia was the winner of the Greendale Woman's Club Technical Education Grant. Congratulations, Mia! We are so proud of you!

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'My Two Elaines' tells of man's struggle to care for wife with Alzheimer's

This Friday at 10:00am, Meet former Gov. Martin J. Schreiber as he shares lessons from his 10-year journey as a caregiver for his wife, Elaine, who lives with Alzheimer’s disease. Gov. Schreiber will candidly describe his challenges and missteps, and highlight how compassion and humor provide comfort to both caregiver and the person with dementia. The Greendale Health Department, the Milwaukee County Department of Aging and Clifden Court will have information for participants and be available to answer questions about the many resources available. The book, My Two Elaines: Learning, Coping, and Surviving as an Alzheimer’s Caregiver, will be available for purchase at a special price of $15.00. Please call the library to register for this program.


NEAR Greendale Public Library