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St Alphonsus Parish - Greendale

6060 W Loomis Road, Greendale, United States
Catholic Church



St. Alphonsus, a vibrant Catholic community strives to emulate Christ through the sacraments and sends forth disciples to minister to the world.


Photos from St Alphonsus Parish - Greendale's post

Don't forget, bring your aluminum cans to Brinkman Field between 8am & 2pm tomorrow. Helping Boy Scout Troop 506.

Photos from St Alphonsus Parish - Greendale's post

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Don't forget! Mother's Day is this Sunday. Perhaps a rose or 12 from the St. Alphonsus Mother's Day Rose Sale would be a good start? Roses and corsages sold after each Mass this weekend. Proceeds benefit Wisconsin Right to Life #ThanksMom #WIRightToLife

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Photos from St Alphonsus Parish - Greendale's post

What a great presentation by the lovely Vicki Thorn. Fascinating info about male/female brains, pheromones, contraception, premarital cohabitation, genetics, microchimerism (big word, cool concept), and more! Thank you Vicki and those of you who attended!

Photos from St Alphonsus Parish - Greendale's post

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What they didn't teach you at Sex Ed - a presentation by Vicki Thorn tonight @ 7pm in the St. Alphonsus Community Room

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TOMORROW: Don't miss this fascinating presentation on the science behind the theology of the body, by Vicki Thorn. Did you know that chemical contraception can cause a woman to choose a mate with a lower likelihood of fertility? Did you know a mother carries cells from every child she has conceived in her life? April 26, 7:00 PM, Community Room.

St. Alphonsus School-Home and School Association, Greendale, WI

Spread the word and pass the syrup!

St. Alphonsus School-Home and School Association, Greendale, WI

Boy Scout Troop 506 of Greendale is having an Aluminum Can Drive @ Brinkman Field on Saturday, May 13 th. 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM Many from Boy Scout Troop 506 attend St. Al's - Help Support their efforts!

St Alphonsus Parish - Greendale's cover photo

St Alphonsus Parish - Greendale's cover photo

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Christ has risen! Alleluia! Share the good news - Better yet, bring them to St Als for 9am or 11am Mass so they can hear it for themselves!

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The Bring a Friend To Mass team would like to thank all parishioners who brought a friend this past weekend. Remember: every Sunday is a new opportunity to bring a friend. Spread the faith! #iEvangelizeMKE

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Photos from St Alphonsus Parish - Greendale's post

Congrats to our winners from this weekend's Trivia Night - "The Eighth Wonder" and "Lucky 7" tied on Friday and "More Cowbells" winning Saturday. The big winner though, was the Outreach Meal Program as St. Al's Trivia Night brought in $4000! Thanks to all of you who participated!

Photos from St Alphonsus Parish - Greendale's post

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Don't forget to bring a friend this weekend! Bait 'em with tonight's fish fry, then hook 'em with a post-Mass brunch on Sunday! #iEvangelizeMKE Archdiocese of Milwaukee

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NEAR St Alphonsus Parish - Greendale