Job's Daughters Green River, Wy
Who are we? Young women 10-20 who believe in and do, good and amazing
things. We are friends and sisters who support eachother and have lots of fun! Job's Daughters International is an international organization that originated in the state of Nebraska in 1920. Mrs. Ethel T. Wead Mick was inspired to start a youth organization for young women that had ties to the Masonic Fraternity. In doing so, she created an organization that has become active not only in her home country of the United States, but also in Australia, Canada, the Phillipine Islands and Brazil. The organization has its own philanthropic endeavor called HIKE. HIKE stands for Hearing Impaired Kids Endowment. The purpose of this charity is to assist young people in getting hearing devices or neccessary sugeries to imporve hearing. It truly is a remarkable program.
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Here is one of the baskets that will be auctioned off at the dinner tomorrow evening. It is a "football movie night" complete with mini cooler, Hot Tamales, Junior Mints, Mini Snickers, Whoppers, Milk Duds, Granola Bars, Life WTR, Gatorade, and a Wilson football with pump and Tee.
Bethel #48 Princess Project-Shriners Hospital Fundraiser and Dinner When: Wednesday, April 19th Where: Green River Masonic Hall 129 East Flaming Gorge Way When: 5pm until done What: The princess project is a fundraising event that will benefit the Shrine Hospital in SLC and our members. Wyoming Job's Daughters have served as cheerleaders for the Shrine Bowl for many years. It was through the cheer experience and trip to the hospital with the football players, that our senior princess was compelled to do more! Giving is the best way to receive and our girls want to help make a difference in the lives of the patients at the SLC hospital. COME JOIN US!! Local players and coaches have been invited and we hope to recognize them at the event.
A message from our Guardian Reminders for Wednesday's princess project with the Shrine bowl boys, families, and coaches. Everyone is to be there at 4:00, girls are requested to wear a dress. If you are needing a ride please let me know, and we will arrange out. You girls decided on a camp basket for the bethel to auction, which Karen is providing a cooler (as the basket). The following signed up to bring: Kate: bug spray Holly: marshmallows Charlie: chocolate Erin: Graham crackers Gerda: cups/thermos Patti: lantern, Gianna: blanket Jozzy and Jayden please bring something that would go with the above to complete the basket. So far we have a cansy basket, a summer basket, a cooking basket, a spaghetti dinner basket. If you have ideas for any more please let us know so we can make the silent auction sheets. The next text will have the list of food items!........ The following people either agreed or were called by Kate to bring for the dinner on Wednesday: Artha: spaghetti Alfredo sauce: Kate Meat sauce: Gerda Parm. cheese: Kate Garlic bread: Holly Garlic bread: Jayden Salad: Chelsea Lettuce salad/dressing: Jozzy Veggie tray: Erin Drinks: Kerri Choc trifle: Kathy Dessert: Cassidy Fruit salad: Gianna.... Be sure to be practicing your initiation parts, as we read one petition on the 12th and have a couple more out. So we will be having initiation the first meeting in May. Sell your tickets for the fire pits... excited to see you girls, on Wednesday night.
"Bless oh Lord we pray Thee, the Master Masons who give us heritage..."
REMINDER to all who will be helping with the Eastern Star dinner tonight. Please be at the Masonic Hall at 5pm in Jobie appropriate attire. (dresses for girls :) )
Photos from Job's Daughters Green River, Wy's post
And here they are...our newest members! Pinned by moms, supported by dads and loved by us! Note the fun photo with goofy poses, they fit right in. :)
Today is the BIG day! We are initiating two new members into our amazing organization. A shout out to parents and grandparents of Bethel #48 girls, this is like game day. Don't miss the chance to come watch your girls shine. Dinner at 5:30pm at the Masonic Hall in Green River. Meeting begins at 6:30pm Cake and beverages after meeting. We will be having a Coin March at this meeting.
Big Jobie week! Practice at 4:30 today (Tuesday), if you are needing a ride let me know so I can set it up for you Wednesday is initiation with potato bar before. Everyone please bring what you brought for Kates installation! (If you have forgotten let me know). Dinner will be at 5:30, so we can start on time at 6:30. Friday, the 24th: help serve the eastern star dinner, be there by 5⃣ in a dress please. Questions about anything, let me know.
Meet Shriner Mark Mickelson: loyal through the decades
We are so grateful to have had this man and his lovely wife visit our Bethel.
Job's Daughters International
Just had to share. Do you know who our reigning Miss International Job's Daughter is? To learn more about this fantastic young woman, read on!
Photos from Job's Daughters Green River, Wy's post
Job's Daughters Week at Bethel #48 included a tribute to our founder, Ethel T. Wead Mick. The daughters formed the triangle in her honor and for the closing, laid purple and white flowers down for the closing formation. A great tribute to a remarkable lady. Thank you to the Conroy's for joining us. It was an honor to have you there. Thank you adult council for all that you do and for your guidance. Following the meeting, the girls posed with the proclamation from Mayor Pete Rust that indicated March 5-11, as Job's Daughters Week.
The daughters of Bethel #48 would like to thank the Green River Eastern Star for the fantastic dinner and special time shared last Wednesday. They were honored to spend the evening with such an incredible group of adults!