American Legion Tom Whitmore Post 28, Green River Wyoming
The American Legion
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2017-2018 post 28 officers. (Not shown is Finance Officer Wyletta Sheldon)
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Jim Shoemaker accepting sponsorship donation for racing.
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Brad Hatfield accepting a donation on behalf of Green River knights from the American Legion.
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Katelyn Gambles accepting her Oratorical awards and scholarship promise.
Congratulations to the new Post 28 Officers: Commander Tom Niemiec 1st Vice Commander Shane Harris 2nd Vice Commander Marshall Burt Adjutant Tony Niemiec Sgt at Arms Shane Kempton Service Officer Ted Barney Chaplain Ted Barney Historian Gene Bates Judge Advocate Marshall Burt Finance Officer Wyletta Sheldon Executive Committee Lane Tesdal Executive Committee Dave Madsen
Thank you United Nations Korean War 60th Anniversary (english sub) 한국전쟁 60주년
American Legion Tom Whitmore Post 28, Green River Wyoming
Local Korean War Veterans Receive Republic of Korea Ambassador for Peace Medals [PHOTOS] -
Korean War Peace Medal Ceremony On Wednesday -
Queen of hearts tonight at 7pm. The pot starts at over 1,200!! And in honor of Cinco De Mayo, we're doing a Taco Bar for our Legion Family Dinner :) Dinner starts at 6:30 with a $5 donation. Come down and win money while eating yummy food! 😁 Open to the public and kids are welcomed 😊