First United Methodist Church
Improve Lives. Inspire Church. Influence Community. Sunday Worship: 9:00 & 11:00 AM
Sunday School: 10:00 AM
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:30 AM - 12 Noon 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM Friday 8:30 AM - 12 Noon
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facebook.comFirst United Methodist Revive Service 5/14/17
Sunday (5/21) Revive worship
First United Methodist Great Bend Noah's Ark Preschool Spring program
Had a full house at the Noah's Ark Preschool spring concert last night.
First United Methodist Great Bend Revive Service 04/23/2017
REVIVE worship today, 5/7/17
Have you been good? Do you feel good? Are you just living your life? And how is that going for you? Are you fulfilled? Do you have direction and purpose that makes a difference in the world? Why don't you join us this morning as we ask the question, "is being 'spiritual' enough?" 9:00 classic worship with communion 11:00 REVIVE worship, casual and relevant conversation, with communion every week.
Church Without Walls
It was a cold and drizzly day, but there was plenty to do inside. UMCOR Flood Buckets, GBHS Teen Closet kits, Dream Center 3rd floor clean-up and fresh paint, and some good ol church clean-out. First UMC serving in God's Kingdom. #handsandfeet #gbfumcwow
Amanda Aguilar KSN
A life lesson is the most important education. Thank you Great Bend High School for sending two teams to help beautify our building and grounds. Most of all, thank you for teaching our youth the importance of giving back. P.S. a shout out to our very own Andrea Stalcup and Abby Elizabeth Sandman for leading this annual event!
Church without Walls
Sunday April 30th First UMC will Worship at 9 am, Sunday School at 10 am., then following at 11 am we will join together in Church without Walls! At 11 a.m., we will gather in the Fellowship Hall for light lunch, then we will “go into all the world” proclaiming the Good News in our service; as we become Church without Walls. Service projects include: - Cleanup of the Dream Center's 3rd Floor - Yard work & cleanup for elderly - Assembly of UMCOR kits, Teen Closet Beauty Baskets (indoor) We hope you can join us!
First United Methodist Great Bend Revive Service 04/0217
Revive worship on Easter Morning...
Generational IQ - Book Study
Join Pastor Lennie for a 6 week book study - Generational IQ, by Haydn Shaw, starting on Wednesday April 26 at 6:00 PM. Cost of the book is $13, must place your order by Sunday April, 23rd by email lennie@gbfumc, or text 785-955-0322.
Timeline Photos
Questions about our faith today are often related to generations: "Why is my daughter drifting from God?" "Why is mom so worried about how I worship?" "Why won't my grandson come to my church?" "What do I say to my friends who say they are spiritual, but not religious?" Why? Because people are living longer. Change is happening quicker. And as the world around us changes, the things that influence how we look at life are becoming more and more different as generations pass. We invite you to join us Sunday as we begin to have a conversation about a hope that bridges generations. 9:00 and 11:00 AM
Timeline Photos
Let your hearts be glad, shout with joy and celebrate this great day. Easter is here, and so is new life and hope! Know the presence of God and this gift, given for you. Join us for Worship at First United Methodist Church this morning!
Photos from First United Methodist Church's post
Praying for First UMC on Holy Saturday. Expecting the Resurrection. Join us tomorrow as we celebrate our Risen Lord! 9:00 Traditional worship with both choirs and Holy Communion. 10:00 Easter Egg Hunt 11:00 REVIVE! powerful praise and relevant message, Communion every week.