MSA Woodland
A premier West Michigan athletic facility, home to MBA, MFA, and MLXA! Check us out online for more information.
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facebook.comNew! This fall MSA Woodland is offering Men's Basketball Leagues. For more information and to register your team please visit or click the link below.
Revolution Boys & Girls join forces for a few hours before the ladies get dismissed! #Revolutionovernightcamp #lock-in #msawoodland #mfa #soccer
Photos from MSA Woodland's post
Michigan Futbol Academy Revolution Girls Lock-in 2019! #msawoodland #soccer #michigansportsacademies
Day 2 of All Day With MBA! #msawoodland #michiganbasketballacademy #michigansportsacademies #summercamp
Another MFA camp in the books! #msawoodland #michiganfutbolacademy #michigansportsacademies
Day 3 of the MFA All Day Camp #3! #lunchtime #msawoodland #michiganfutbolacademy
MSA Woodland's cover photo
Pickleball Drop-In will resume as normal Tuesday July 23rd. 9:00-3:00pm
Brawl For The Ball 2019! #msawoodland #michigansportsacademies #michiganbasketballacademy
MSA Woodland
***SUNDAY DROP-IN*** Take a break from the heat and come indoors this Sunday July 14th. Our facility is air conditioned all Summer long. Plus, you can enjoy our $1 hot dog special during drop-in hours.
***OUTDOOR SOCCER DROP-IN*** Friday Mornings from 6:00am to 8:00am Free for everyone with an MSA Facility Card! Otherwise $10 per player