Asia Times Square Lunar New Year Festival
Since 2007, Asia Times Square has been holding the largest festival in the North Texas area. Join us this year to celebrate culture, arts, and diversity. Each year, those of Asian descent inaugurate the coming lunar year with the Lunar New Year Festival, our most celebrated and significant holiday. Asia Times Square is proud and honored to annually present to the community the largest Lunar New Year Festival in the entire North Texas area, attracting over 40,000 patrons from throughout the Metroplex and surrounding vicinity, Oklahoma City, and Louisiana.
We invite you, the local business owners, corporate partners, and the community to join us in the festivities.
For sponsorship opportunities, please contact us. Sponsorship of the Lunar New Year Festival offers your company many unique opportunities to interact with a quickly growing, highly targeted audience. In addition to the tangible benefits and long-term value from your company’s participation, your sponsorship will provide much needed support for the multitudes of cultural, youth, and community
programs to be coordinated by Asia Times Square, and our partner organizations throughout the year.
On behalf of Asia Times Square, we cordially invite your company to join with usto make this year’s Lunar New Year Festival the most spectacular yet. We look forward to building amutually beneficial partnership with you, as we celebrate the Year of the Sheep in 2015 with muchpeace and prosperity for all.
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