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Graham Memorial Auditorium

628 3rd St, Graham, United States
Local Business



Graham Memorial Auditorium is a venue for all types of events. It is an active art deco theatre for performing arts, dance, and symphony orchestra GRAHAM MEMORIAL AUDITORIUM HISTORY

The idea for a community house to serve as a memorial for the soldiers who fought in World War I began in 1922 when a meeting of the Central Community House Committee met in the 1884 courthouse for that purpose. The purposes of the association were as follows: 1.  Cause the building of a community house in Graham which would be a fitting memorial for Young County’s World War I veterans and serve public civic needs; 2. Raise money, design the building, select the site, employ architects and contractors, and govern the maintaining of the building after completion; 3.  Possible uses for the building were: public library, large auditorium, gymnasium, club rooms for civic organizations, and rest rooms for out of town visitors.

On March 15, 1928, a Memorial Auditorium fund raising drive began as a memorial to our fallen soldiers in World War I, and a few days later Mrs. Addie M. Graham, wife of Col. E.S. Graham, founder of the community, contributed the site for the Graham Memorial Auditorium. Graham Mayor, A.B. “Gus” Eddleman, began receiving contributions from as far away as Guadalupe, California.  In December 1928, the board of Trustees of the Graham Memorial Auditorium accepted preliminary plans and specifications for the proposed building, and in January 1929, detailed plans were submitted by the architects, Voelcker & Dixon of Wichita Falls who were also the architects for the Young County Courthouse and Graham High School on Virginia Street.

A total of $80,000 ($1,085,835.83 in 2015 dollars) was raised for the construction of the building.  The Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Club of Graham contributed $5,000 ($67,864.73) toward the construction of the Memorial Auditorium. After the construction was completed in 1929, the Graham Chamber of Commerce had the first meeting in the auditorium. There were 250 meals served that day. A Steinway piano from the 1884 courthouse was donated to be used for concerts and school exhibitions. The American Legion began holding its meetings in the library and the American Legion Auxiliary cooked all of the meals for all clubs meeting in the auditorium.  In the front of the auditorium on the first floor was a spacious lobby and foyer. To the right of the lobby were the Chamber of Commerce, Red Cross, and Home and Farm Agents’ offices, and to the left of the lobby was the Graham Public Library.

On June 18, 1930, citizens gathered onstage for the “Golden Egg” breakfast soliciting donations to furnish the building with seating and the stage with all the necessary equipment. The breakfast, consisting of two pieces of toast, two eggs and two pieces of bacon, was cooked in the basement kitchen below the stage and raised an additional $50,000 ($678,647.39). The Memorial Auditorium was planned with a seating capacity of 770 on the first floor and 297 in the balcony.  The stage was used for a basketball court and under the stage, the basement provided dressing rooms and a room for the YMCA. In 1931, a handsome bronze memorial tablet, bearing the names of all Young County men who served in World War I was donated by Col. S.R. Crawford, president of First National Bank.
