Goodlettsville Church
Goodlettsville Cumberland Presbyterian Church. A Place to Belong, A Place to Grow, A Place to Serve
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Do you have a special lady that has played a valuable role in your life? Be sure to bring her by the special Mother's Day photo booth at Goodlettsville Church in the morning to have your pictures taken. Each lady will receive a free 5x7 print as our Mother's Day gift to you!
Goodlettsville Church
See How it Adds Up
Please take a minute & go vote for our very own Mrs. Cheryl Resha! You can vote every day in the month of May!
Timeline Photos Don't miss a great meal for a great cause! #shrimpboil2017

The Main Event - LifeWay's Conference for Men
Men of Goodlettsville Church, don't wait until it's too late. Sign up for the Main Event today by contacting the church office,, and/or Doug Newman!
Men's Ministry "Steak Out"; Don't miss it!
Don't miss the Men's Ministry "Steak Out" dinner happening at the end of April. It's going to be an awesome opportunity for men of ALL AGES to come together, fellowship, connect, and eat some red meat! Contact the church office today to reserve your ticket or table! Thanks Doug Newman and the rest of the fellas for all their hard work in planning and preparing this event! #goodcpchurch #mensministry

Awesome Palm Sunday this morning at Goodlettsville Church! Great worship, sermon, music, and lunch. Big thanks to the fellowship team for all of their hard work. Also, the new capital campaign is going great with over $28,000 being collected/pledged just TODAY towards "1843" and the preparations to celebrate homecoming in 2018. Be sure to like and share this funny video that Steve Cook, Aaron Bowlin, Boyd Sadler, and Bro Daniel filmed last Saturday to raise awareness about the dangers of the potholes in the parking lot currently at the church. These guys are crazy. ENJOY!
What's Going On
Did you miss last Sunday at Goodlettsville Church? Mark Allison shared a powerful testimony about how he was a first-hand witness to the miraculous power of God. Click the link below to see the video on the website and be sure to join us this Sunday for another great week of "Setting the Record Straight" in our series leading up to Easter. Also, be sure to like and share this on your own Facebook page, and let's get Mark's awesome story out to as many people as we can, because everyone NEEDS to know that our God is still in the business of doing miracles!
Photos from Goodlettsville Church's post From Palm Sunday Dinners to SUMMER CAMP signups for kids, Easter Sunday's schedule, information on "1843" AND Men's Ministry events... It's Monday morning and the church website is updated with all the stuff you NEED to know. And don't forget to check back on Thursday after you receive the weekly newsletter to see the entire month of April's calendar of events and follow the link to the prayer requests to pray for our church members and their families. #goodcpchurch #heisrisen

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In our new sermon series "Setting the Record Straight" Pastor Tim Stutler takes a look at the importance of sound doctrine in the church. We think these questions are wildly important to answer, understand and to help us WATCH OUT for false teachers! Join us this coming Sunday for Worship Hour at 9 am and see this past Sunday's sermon here:

Top of the morning!!! We hope to see you this morning at Worship Hour as Pastor Tim wraps up the last week of our "Seasons of Life" sermon series... 9 am in the sanctuary. AND don't forget to stick around for Community Hour at 10:15am with opportunities for anyone and everyone to get connected and find your place to grow in relationship with Christ and others believers. He is risen indeed! #belonggrowserve #goodcpchurch #Sunday