Grace Place Naples
Grace Place is a nonprofit education center putting faith into action - providing pathways out of poverty by educating children and families. Grace Place found its roots in Golden Gate city eleven years ago as an
after-school homework club organized by Stephanie Munz Campbell in
response to the overwhelming need in the community. Within a year Grace
Place had developed into a nonprofit neighborhood center for early childhood
education, student programs and adult language courses. Grace Place now
serves as an educational touchstone for the Golden Gate community.
Working across the spectrum to break the cycle of poverty, Grace Place
currently enrolls over 800 students in its three educational programs: Bright
Beginnings, Student Programs and Adult English Language and Literacy.
Although education is the core focus of the organization and its mission,
Grace Place’s Friday Food Pantry serves 200 families a week with a bag of
basic groceries and additional bakery items, frozen meat, dairy products and
fresh produce. Grace Place also works extensively with community partners to
provide medical and mental health screenings, referrals for other services and
financial literacy classes to the Golden Gate community.
Grace Place for Children and Families was incorporated as a nonprofit,
501(c)(3), in June of 2004 under charitable and educational purposes. Grace Place is operated by a volunteer Board of Directors made up of 10-15 members from the community with experience in business, financial, legal, education, and nonprofit boards.
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