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St. David's Episcopal Church, Glenview

2410 Glenview Road, Glenview, United States
Religious Organization



St. David’s Episcopal Church in Glenview, Illinois, is living as a Christian community, welcoming all people to grow and share in Christ’s abundant life.


The Episcopal Church today remembers Richard Hooker, who died on this day in 1600. Hooker was a brilliant theologian, who defined Anglicanism as the Middle Way between Roman Catholicism and Reform Theology. From the collect for today: "O God of truth and peace, who raised up your servant Richard Hooker in a day of bitter controversy to defend with sound reasoning and great charity the catholic and reformed religion: Grant that we may maintain that middle way, not as a compromise for the sake of peace, but as a comprehension for the sake of truth..."

St. David's kids TRANSFORM pumpkins at the Youth & Family Ministries Halloween Party last night.

Homecoming parade staging this morning out of St. David's parking lot. Welcome GBS students! You guys are awesome!

Youth & Family Ministries is hosting a Halloween party for parishioners of all ages and their guests on Wednesday, Oct. 25 from 6:45 - 8:00 pm. Games, pumpkin carving, refreshments, and fun! Bring your own pumpkin or purchase one here (let us know by 10/22 so we can have one on hand for you!)

The St. David's 2018 CROP Walk team, about to step off with this year's walk, hosted by St. Giles in Northbrook. We walk to raise money and awareness of hunger in our neighborhoods and throughout the world. Thank you to all who contributed and who walked!!

St. David's Annual Pet Blessing is Sunday, Oct. 1 at 2 pm on the west lawn of the church. All pets and their human companions are welcome! This fun interspecies event honors St. Francis (whose Oct. 4 feast day we anticipate) who is perhaps best loved for his celebration of kinship with all creation. ALL are welcome.

Helpful info on how to help our brothers and sisters on the Gulf Coast.

A couple of St. David's folks saw "All Saints" last night. It was well worth it. Sometimes "churchy" movies are saccharine, sanctimonious, or just plain lame. "All Saints" is none of that. It manages to be both honest and hopeful. It's released nationwide, but may not have a long run. Friends in and near Glenview can see it at the AMC18 in Skokie. See the link below for more details.

The roof is on! Work will continue for another 6-10 days as new gutters and soffits are installed. As you walk from the parking lot toward the elevator entrance this Sunday, look up. You'll see an example of what the entire project will look like when finished. the west side of the church roof down to 50-year-old decking, ready for underlayment and shingle install. Gutters and soffits are next. On schedule and on far. (Prayers welcome!)

Work began this morning on our new roof! Join us on Sunday, August 27, as we celebrate the completion of this phase with our Raze The Roof! Potluck picnic.


NEAR St. David's Episcopal Church, Glenview