Arizona Organix
First state licensed dispensary in Arizona, providing patients with consistent high quality medications and a patient centered approach. First state licensed dispensary in Arizona, providing patients with consistent high quality medications and a patient centered approach.
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facebook.comCan Employers Prohibit Employees from Using Medical Marijuana? Read more on our blog! Stay in the know by visiting it weekly. | #JustSayKnow | #Cannabis | #MedicalMarijuanna | #AZMMJ | #MMJ | #Prop203 | #ArizonaOrganix | #Arizona
THE 5 KEY BENEFIT OF #CANNABISOIL (Stay informed by visiting our blog!)
Thank you for stopping by and making history with us! #AZMMJ #Prop203
#Arizona's first state licensed #dispensary celebrates 5 years! Arizona Organix, opened its doors five years ago, changing the face of the #medicalmarijuana industry here in the Valley. Since then, they have earned a place in the spotlight.
When it comes to the effectiveness of #medicalmarijuana, one of the biggest discussion points is how #MMJ is used to treat people who suffer from #chronicnausea. Severe nausea can present in a variety of ways from one patient to the next, from an upset stomach and queasy feeling to more extreme vomiting and vertigo. In some cases the nausea may become debilitating if it keeps one from standing or working for extended periods of time. Medical marijuana has been shown to reduce these symptoms in patients and help them relax without fear of being sick. Here’s what you need to know: | #CannabisHeals |
#ArizonaOrganix opened our doors in 2012 and we are proud to be #Arizona ’s first licensed #medicalmarijuana #dispensary with #TOPSHELF quality, ALL strains EVERYDAY, along with a customer service and patient-centered approach. Thank you for making history with us and being a part of the Arizona Organix family, 4 years & counting. #TheOGs