The Anchor
Christian Bible-based church in Gilroy, CA. Heartfelt worship. Men, Women, Youth & Children's ministry. Formerly known as Calvary Chapel Gilroy
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facebook.comHoly Week: Sunday Reading: Mark 11:1-11, Luke 19:41-44 This is no normal week for Christians...this is Holy Week and we want to take some time to remember the final week of Jesus' life. From the Triumphal Entry on Palm Sunday to the cross on Good Friday and of course the resurrection on Easter Sunday...this is a big week. So each day, we'll post scriptures that describe Jesus' last week in real time so that you can take some time to read, study, meditate on and worship Him through it all. Today we want to remember that at the time of Jesus' arrival, Jerusalem was in a place of great tension. On one hand, rumors of a social uprising had begun to spread because of the Roman occupation. On the other hand the religious leaders had put out the word that they wanted Jesus dead because they wanted to remain in Roman favor. And so at the beginning of the week, Jesus, unafraid of what awaited him, chooses a humble donkey to ride into the Holy City, demonstrating not only his position as the prophesied King and Messiah but the kind of King and Messiah He was going to be: one of humility and peace. And yet, alongside of the crowds cheers of "Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!" Jesus the King shed his tears. As Jesus approached Jerusalem, his holy heart broke because the people He loved and came to save missed the point. He didn't come to set them free from Roman tyranny, He came to set them free from their sins and He knew that the same voices shouting out “Save us!” on Sunday, will be shouting out “Crucify Him” by Friday. #holyweek #easterattheanchor
Join us at 9am or 11am this Easter Sunday at The Anchor! 370-A Tomkins Court, Gilroy, CA. All are invited to come hear the Good News that Christ is Risen! We will also be having baptisms on Easter Sunday. Pick up an Easter Invite this Sunday and invite your family, your friends, your local barista, as we celebrate our Risen King. If you or you know someone who would like to be baptized, click the link below.
Join us at 9am or 11am this Easter Sunday! All are invited to come hear the Good News that Christ is Risen! We will also be having baptisms on Easter Sunday. Pick up an Easter Invite this Sunday and invite your family, your friends, your local barista, as we celebrate our Risen King. If you or you know someone who would like to be baptized, click the link below.
Worship Set from Sunday: Rejoice // Dustin Kensrue I Surrender All // Hymn Though You Were Rich // Matt Gilman Love That Conquered Me // Minor God of Miracles // Chris McClarney
"Joseph had one focus, one heart, one drive: that the people he interacted with would know something of the goodness of the living God. May we, as the Church, have that same heart and mindset and focus." From Rags To Riches || Genesis 41:1-45
"Joseph not only trusted in the promises of God, he trusted in the God of the promises." Dream On || Genesis 40:1-23
Don’t forget to change your clocks an hour ahead tonight because tomorrow is Day Light Savings! ☀️ we hope to see you at our service at 9am or 11am tomorrow.
Hungary Mission Trip 2018! We’ve been announcing for months about our upcoming missions trip back to Hungary & the final date to sign up is March 26th. We’ll be joining an English Camp in Eger for one week and the second week we’ll be spending the week with our missionaries, the Daniels, in Szolnok. If you have questions or you would like to sign up, please email our missions leader, Jeremy Kastle:
Ladies! There is still time to sign up for our Women's Retreat: Defining Friendship. We are looking forward to spending time together. April 27th-29th! Sign up today on our App or on our website.
“God never promises He will keep you from pain, but He promises He will keep you through it.” - Pastor Justin The Lord Was With Him || Genesis 39:1-23
Marriage Ministry is tonight at 6:30pm! Join other married couples for a time of fellowship and continuing their study, Love Dare.
"Up until this point, I think we can all agree, Judah is just a bad dude...but the moment everything changes is when he recognizes that in himself and not only confesses it but also repents of it." You Better Haker-Na! || Genesis 38:1-30