Georgetown Country Club
Georgetown Country Club is owned by its members, governed by an elected Board of Directors and managed by a professional staff.
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS***CANCELED **** September 9th BINGO has been Cancelled Due to a Private Celebration of Life in the Dining Room
MGA Two Man Open – Best Ball (You may sign up with a current MGA member, a GCC non-MGA member or a Guest. Guests must provide a current handicap.) Saturday September 9th Shotgun Start @ 9:00am Gross and Net Scoring for All Flights Entry Fee $30 $5 Optional Closest to Pin Contest Guests will pay an additional $15.00 (includes cart fee) Thank You For Coming Out And Supporting YOUR Club!
Glow ball Sunday, September 3, 2017. 6:00 start.
Fellow Members, Due to the high probability of bad weather this weekend, the Glow Ball tournament sponsored by the MGA scheduled for this Saturday has been rescheduled for Sunday September 3rd. With the beginning of college football and Labor Day, next Sunday is the best option available to have a successful tournament. I apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause. Best, Stephen Bushover MGA President
GCC Glow Ball Scramble Tournament Sponsored by the MGA Saturday August 26th Shotgun Start @ 6:00pm 9 Holes Will Be Played in the Evening 9 Holes Will Be Played at Night All Members and Guests Welcome Entry Fee $30 Guests Will Pay $45 Sign Up as a Foursome, Couple or Individual Limited to the First 60 people Contact the Pro-Shop for Additional Details
Mary Miller, Teri Goodwin, Tracey Lomax and Julie MacNabb-Ladner played at Delaware Springs Tuesday representing GCC. WAY TO GO GIRLS!!!