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Bass Pro Shops

5001 Bass Pro Dr, Garland, United States
Fishing Store



For the best in outdoor gear, shop Bass Pro, your Garland sporting goods store. The Bass Pro Shops retail store near Lake Ray Hubbard is a leader among Texas hunting outfitters, with seminars and classes on everything from fishing to  hunting! Bass Pro Shops- The Story
In 1971 young Johnny Morris, frustrated by the lack of tackle in local stores, rented a U-Haul trailer and took off across the country filling it with the newest premium fishing tackle he could find.
When he returned home to Springfield, Missouri, Johnny started in the fishing business with eight feet of space in his dad’s liquor store which became a popular stopping-off place for local and out-of-state fishermen on the way to the Ozark’s famous bass lakes.
A number of these anglers started calling when they got back home wanting Johnny to send them some of his specialized Bass Pro Shops tackle. In 1974, in response to this demand, he printed and mailed his first Bass Pro Shops catalog. Today, outdoor enthusiasts around the world look forward to opening the mail and getting their favorite Bass Pro Shops catalog, while many enjoy visiting and shopping
In 1978, Johnny introduced the first professionally rigged boat, motor and trailer fish-ready package. The Bass Tracker boat “package” revolutionized the marine industry. Huge boat showrooms are featured in every Bass Pro Shops store.
Bass Pro Shops today isn’t just fishing. It is an outdoor retail leader in hunting, camping, nature gifts, outdoor cooking, and much more.

From that simple beginning, Bass Pro Shops has become one of America’s premier outdoor retailers with destination outdoor retail stores across America and Canada, serving over 75 million sportsmen a year. Each store is unique and offers a truly unforgettable shopping experience - as close to the Great Outdoors as you can get indoors!


If you or any of your friends are Fishing/Hunting guides and you think they would be a good fit our Guides & Outfitters event on Sat. January, 20th DM this facebook page or call the store and ask for Promotions. We would love to work with you!

Come out and join us January 20th for our Guides & Outfitters event. Where you can learn about Guiding and Outfitting services or you could even plan your next adventure with one of our local Pros we have speaking (Larry Ladnier who will be representing "Ron Speeds Jr. Outdoor Adventures and Victory Fishing Events" and Cheryl Bowden who will be reprenting "Ladies Bass Anglers Association"). The first 50 customers starting at noon to attend the event will get a Free Giveaway. (Must be 18 years or older/One per family) We hope to see you there!

HOLIDAY HOURS!! Today close at 6pm New Year's Eve 10am-6pm New Year's Day 10am-6pm

Santa only has one more day to see as many children as possible, he is here 10am-5pm on Christmas Eve. Our Doors open at 8am on Christmas Eve and we will begin to hand out pass when the store opens.

AGAIN, Sorry we are out of Bass Passes for the DAY!!

Saw the first customer in Line for a Bass Pass at 7am. 2 Days left till Santa heads for the North Pole.

Good morning everyone! We are all out of Bass Passes for today(Friday 12/22)! Sorry for any inconveniences. We will be back tomorrow morning at 10am. Just a heads up Bass Passes are going quicker with each day!

Due to the massive line we had waiting outside of the store this morning.. WE ARE ALL OUT OF BASS PASSES FOR TODAY! (Thursday 12/21)We appreciate the anticipation and he will be back tomorrow at 10am! Thank you all for understanding.

There are only a few days left to get your FREE photo at Santa's Wonderland! A Bass Pass (available free while supplies last each day) is required. Once we're out of Bass Passes, that means Santa is booked for the day! #SantasWonderland

Just giving a heads up for all the children wanting to see Santa before Christmas. It is BUSY, you have to get someone up to the store to get a Bass Pass for the Day. The earlier you get here the better to be able to pick your time slot. There is only a limited number of children that can see Santa each day and be able to get their picture and tell him want they wish for.


NEAR Bass Pro Shops