Gallatin First United Methodist Church
GFUMC is a grace-filled community recognizing our complete dependence on Christ, as we seek to grow in grace and love for God and each other.
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facebook.comJOIN US TONIGHT as we gather at Hollie Stephenson’s farm (1901 Hartsville Pike, Gallatin) to celebrate the end of our Consecration Month with a bonfire! Meet there tonight at 5:00pm. If you want to ride the bus from the church, be in the Ramsey Hall parking lot NO LATER than 4:45pm. *Food will be provided; bring chairs if you want seating!* 🔥
Thanks to everyone that came and helped prepare UMCOR flood relief buckets to send to those affected by hurricane Harvey! Our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Texas/Louisiana, and those in Florida and the Caribbean currently being affected by hurricane Irma. Great job living out our mission statement, #LoveNOW!
TONIGHT is our FINAL August revival service! Be sure to come out tonight at 5:00PM to hear Pastor Jacob Armstrong, from Providence United Methodist Church in Mt. Juliet, deliver the word, and worship with the ALL-NEW Gallatin Community Gospel Choir. You won't want to miss this!
This Sunday's (8/20/17) evening baptism service has been POSTPONED. Stay posted to know when it will be!
DON'T FORGET services this morning, and from now on, are at *8:30* and 11:00! See you there!
Starting NEXT SUNDAY, August 6th, 2017, the Blended service will start at a NEW TIME at 8:30am! Join US!
Full house at GFUMC to hear the testimonies of the Youth and the Children. #childrenarethefuture
This Sunday, July 30th, is UNITY SUNDAY. 10:00 AM—SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES 11:00 AM - ONE WORSHIP SERVICE—SANCTUARY 12:00 PM - LUNCH & BABY SPRINKLE—RAMSEY HALL Lunch Menu is Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Chips, Watermelon, Baked Beans, and Ice Cream Sundaes. THE MEAL IS FREE AND ALL ARE WELCOME!
GFUMC at Gallatin Cares last night. Thanks to all those who worked and volunteered. #lovenow #truthandaction
Awesome work was done last night by GFUMC at the Shalom Zone. #lovenow #truthandaction
Summer in the City Date Added! Nashville Sounds Game Wednesday, July 26 –7:05 p.m. First Tennessee Park in Nashville, TN Tickets are $7.00 per person. To secure your tickets, contact Amanda Slusher or email Ticket money due at sign up.