City of Gaithersburg Government
The 4th largest city in Maryland, and one of the most diverse cities in the USA.
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facebook.comThank you for your service, Lieutenant Curtis Pettaway. We wish you well and congratulate you on your retirement!
City of Gaithersburg facilities & offices are closed on Mon. Jan. 15 in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
How should we spend your tax dollars? Take a few minutes and answer our 7-question virtual budget forum, and let us know!
What does the City do that you like? If you want more stuff like it, you have to tell us! Our virtual budget survey is quick, easy, and confidential — click here!
Martin Luther King Jr Day is Monday, January 15. Honor his memory by making your day a Day of Service.
Equal parts Oxford, UK & Oxford, MS — don't miss Floyds Row when they come to Gaithersburg Arts on the Green later this month! Click to get your tickets early.
Tonight: Architect Marina Khoury will discuss #NewUrbanism, the principles that shaped the movement & how Kentlands and Lakelands continue to be a source of education for planners and communities around the world. Free, 7:30.
Okay you might not think museums are cool (and you'd be wrong) but the WWI exhibit at the Gaithersburg Community Museum is SUPER COOL — come see it!
You can build a Gaithersburg we can all be proud of AND honor the memory of one of our greatest leaders just by signing up for our #DayOfService activities!
Notices and Cancellations for Tuesday, Jan. 9: City Offices open on time; Liberal Leave in effect. Activity Center opens at 8 a.m. Casey Community Center opens at 9 a.m. No Tot Time. City-sponsored morning recreation classes for children cancelled; teen/adult classes will be held. Senior Center opens at 10 a.m.; lunch provided; classes and programs after 10 a.m. will be held; City transportation provided starting at 10 a.m.; County transportation cancelled. #gburgwx