Rosaura Studios
Bringing Vogue to the everyday woman. You are gorgeous, you are enough & you deserve to exist in beautiful soulful photographs.
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facebook.comI give you the incredible Kayla Mutterer, powerful, graceful, gorgeous dancer and woman! Photography and Styling: Rosaura Sandoval Hair by Bri Orozco Makeup by Bee Pretty Shaping Light with Profoto USA Backdrop Oliphant Studios Happy Friday everyone! #rosaurastudios #dancerportrait #onpointe #bayareaphotographer #bayareaportraits #modernportrait #vanityfairstyleportraits #existinphotos
There’s nothing like the love and laughter of sisters! When’s the last time you had family photos you really loved? Mother’s’ Day is coming fast! Photographs are the best gift a mother and family could want! Contact me for your free consultation! Photography and Styling: Rosaura Sandoval Hair: Bri Orozco Makeup: Bee Pretty #rosaurastudios #sisters #sistersphotoshoot #familyportraits #bestgiftever #mothersday #familyheirloom #youareworthit
She is love she is loved! Happy birthday to the soulful, deep, sweet, hilarious, talented and beautiful Amaris Davidson! I hope you are having the best day ever and being celebrated like the queen that you are!
Strength, beauty, power, kindness and grace.... Kayla Mutterer portrait of a dancer. Thank you for shinning your light Kayla and letting me capture it in flight. Photography and styling: Rosaura Sandoval Hair by Bri Orozco Makeup by Bee Pretty Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter! #dancerportrait #modernportrait #rosaurastudios #balletdancer #onpointe #modernglamour #empoweryourself #existinphotos #thisisme #bayareaphotographer #sanfranciscoportraits #vanityfairstyleportraits #suebrycestyle
This is Melina. She is love. She is light. She infuses all with her irresistible warmth and joy! Thank you for letting me capture your inner and outer beauty! Photography and Styling: Rosaura Sandoval Hair and Makeup: Bri Orozco #bayareaphotographer #vanityfairstyleportraits #existinphotos #youdeservethis #bayareaportraits #rosaurastudios #youareworthit #thisisme #modernportraits #sanfranciscophotographer
Had a fabulous time in LA with @suebrycephotographer. I got to play with light, her studio, gowns and I was just a kid in the candy store. I love creating images for people that not only shows what they look like but who they are. Here is the beautiful @krystal_alisse shining her light. Hair and makeup @bri_oro. Backdrop @oliphantstudio. #existinphotos #rosaurastudios
Merry Christmas! Feliz Navidad! Wishing everyone a wonderful holiday season! Looking forward to rocking it in 2018! Thank you for being here with me! :)
So much creativity and inspiration pouring out of Kelly Brown of @littlepiecesphotography! I'm excited to go home and have some fun with my family and clients! Thank you @suebryce!!!! @theportraitmasters #theportraitmasters #alifethatsgood #shootoutsidethebox
Current situation! #theportraitmasters #grateful #alifethatsgood
@michele.celentano.photographer rocking it out showing us how to pose groups of 4 or more! Human puzzle pieces! Love her energy and talent! #theportraitmasters
@joelgrimesworkshops at @theportraitmasters showing us that you don't need lots of equipment to make amazing images! But you do need hard work! "I'll need to shoot 100 bikes before I can figure it out." Get the permission and be patient and work hard! A "no" is a "maybe" and a "maybe is a "yes"!
@suebryce showing us her new body of work with just one light blew us all alway! Simple, classic, powerful and just amazing! It was hard not to feel emotional... #theportraitmasters #bw #poweroftheportrait #poweroftheprint