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Raghu & Kethu Shanthi in Progress @ SVCC
Jan.29:Rahu, Kethu Shanthi & Nava Graha Puja
Event starts in 1 hour. Please join us!
Jan.29:Rahu, Kethu Shanthi & Nava Graha Puja
Feb 7: 1:30 PM: Sangita Narayaniyam Don't miss this unique opportunity to hear the musical rendering of the famous Narayaniyam. The event starts at 1:30 PM sharp and finishes by 3:30 PM.
Thai Poosam Celebrations, January 23. 2016 @ SVCCTemple, Fremont
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Sri Vel Muruga idol with full alankaaram on Thaipoosam day at SVCC Temple, Fremont. Visitors to the temple today will have the fortune to seek HIS blessings and view this alankaaram. Om Shanmukhaya Namo Namah!!
Photos from SVCCTemple's post
Thai Poosam - Pooja Conclusion with kids.
Photos from SVCCTemple's post
Thai Poosam Murugan Abhisekam at SVCC Temple Fremont CA - In progress
Welcome all to beautiful THAIPOOSAM event at SVCCTemple, 40155 Blacow Rd. Fremont starting at 11 AM TODAY! Please join us as we introduce the UTSAVA MOORTHI of Sri Murugan!! Puja concludes with Maha Mangala Aarti at 1 PM.
Photos from SVCCTemple's post
Gakara Ganapathi Sahasranam in progress #OM/\