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James Monroe Museum and Memorial Library

908 Charles St, Fredericksburg, United States
Museum/Art Gallery



Located on the lot where Monroe practiced law in Fredericksburg, VA, we are dedicated to the study and interpretation of the life and times of the 5th President and his family. The James Monroe Museum and Memorial Library, located in historic downtown Fredericksburg, Virginia, is the largest repository in the country for artifacts and documents related to the fifth president of the United States. The museum was first opened in 1927 by Monroe descendants as a place to house their own personal collections, which had been handed down through generations of the family. Eventually, the museum and its extensive collections were turned over to the Commonwealth of Virginia, and the museum is now administered by the University of Mary Washington.

The museum belongs to the American Association of Museums, the American Association for State and Local History, and the Virginia Association of Museums. It is also on the National Register of Historic Places.

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Looking for something good to read for a rainy weekend? Look no further than the James Monroe Museum Store! We have a wide selection of books covering the life of James Monroe, the American Revolution, the Colonial Era, and more. The American Revolution: A History ($15.00) by Gordon S. Wood, available in our Store, is an excellent overview of the American Revolution. Pulitzer Prize-winning historian Gordon Wood’s concise history of the American Revolution earned this comment from the Los Angeles Times Book Review: “This slim book tells a big story: one that invites the reader to contemplate the relationships between liberty, power, rights and the unpredictable outcomes of human action.” Wood’s book gives an overview not just of the Revolutionary War, but also of the events that preceded and followed the war, creating a new nation. For a partial list of books available in our Store, please visit our website.

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James Monroe Museum : Sign Up to Stay in Touch

If you're not on our mailing list for our monthly e-newsletter sign up below. You can read the newsletter for May here,

1817 Style - Spring 2017

If you don't receive the University of Mary Washington Magazine then you are truly missing out! And not just because the Spring/Summer issue features a story about our James Monroe Inauguration Bicentennial celebration! We are grateful to Neva Trenis and all the talented staff in UMW University Relations and Communications! Thank you for such a lovely feature on the event! Check out the online version of the magazine too!

Photos from James Monroe Museum and Memorial Library's post

What a fun night it was playing Sketchy History! We can't wait for the next one on the first Friday in August!

Photos from James Monroe Museum and Memorial Library's post

James Monroe Museum and Memorial Library

Photos from France in the White House: A Conversation on Historical Perspectives presented by the White House Historical Association in partnership with the Embassy of France in Washington, D.C. on May 4, 2017.

James Monroe Museum and Memorial Library

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If you can draw one of these, and if this looks remotely like the United States to you, then you can join us for Sketchy History at the James Monroe Museum tonight from 6-8 PM! :) It's our version of Win, Lose or Draw™ with history related categories! Bring your own team or join one after you arrive. It's a free, family-friendly evening with prizes, free snacks, and a cash bar.

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Photos from James Monroe Museum and Memorial Library's post

Luncheon entertainment, selections by Opera Lafayette from the Journal of Musik by Charlotte Le Pelletier (1810) and Ma Tante Aurore by Francois-Adrien Boieldien (1803).

Photos from James Monroe Museum and Memorial Library's post

Photos from James Monroe Museum and Memorial Library's post

The menu for luncheon in the garden!

Photos from James Monroe Museum and Memorial Library's post

France in the White House

France in the White House: A Conversation on Historical Perspectives was presented by The White House Historical Association in partnership with the Embassy of France in Washington, DC.

France in the White House

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Timeline Photos

Photos from James Monroe Museum and Memorial Library's post


Photos from James Monroe Museum and Memorial Library's post

Photos from James Monroe Museum and Memorial Library's post

Getting ready for the France in the White House Symposium at the The White House Historical Association with James Monroe's Highland.

Photos from James Monroe Museum and Memorial Library's post
