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Dean College

99 Main St, Franklin, United States
College & University



Founded in 1865 in Franklin, MA, Dean College offers 2-year, 4-year, and continuing studies programs. Visit our website: Dean College is a private residential college offering a variety of associate degree programs, four-year institution transfer preparation, and various baccalaureate degrees.

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We maintain this Facebook Community to serve as a place for all members and supporters of the Dean College community to interact in a supportive, productive way, and we endeavor to uphold a positive, safe environment for all of our members and fans. We ask visitors to be respectful to one another and to the site hosts. Personal attacks, profanity, commercial solicitations, spam or other inappropriate contributions will be removed. Dean College reserves the right to remove or delete any comments or posts, as well as ban any users that do not adhere to Facebook guidelines or can be considered:
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Today is National Waffle Day! If you could only eat one breakfast food for the rest of your life, which would you choose? Cast your vote with a reaction! #nationalwaffleday

Student-athletes are hard at work during the first week of practices! Check out to see a full list of sporting events this fall. Go Bulldogs! 🐾

Move-in day is two weeks away. Tag your roommate! 👭

Grab your eclipse glasses and watch the solar eclipse this afternoon! 😎

Kevin Anderson is named the Assistant Athletics Director and brings eight years of experience to Dean College. We are excited to have Kevin join us. Click below to learn more. Go Bulldogs!

The first students are back! Football players report in and start practice for their first game of the year on September 9th @ 12:00 against Husson. Learn more at

Boomer is visiting the many places to eat in downtown Franklin! Don't forget to tag a friend in the comments for a chance to win 4 tickets to Homecoming.

Join us for campus tours, meet and greet with faculty, alumni men’s lacrosse game, and a game day cookout during the football and soccer games.

The Intern Corner: Managing a College Workload. These 4 tips will help keep you on the Dean’s list every semester.

Thank you to all the families who came to the last New Student Orientation of the year! We had such a great time and are excited for everyone to move in. Just three weeks away!

Our 21st Annual President’s Cup Golf Tournament is just over a month away! Sign up to golf and/or sponsor! Register today:

Students in the New England Summer Dance Intensive are busy taking classes this week. We are so happy to have you on campus!


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