Northwest Florida Fair
C.H. "Bull" Rigdon Fairgrounds and Recreation Complex
1958 Lewis Turner Blvd.
Fort Walton Beach, FL 32547
Tell your friends
facebook.comYou do not want to miss the biggest consignment sale ever!!!!
This is an annual fundraising event for the firefighters pleae come out & support and check out some aawesome cars!!!!!
Many items from estates & bankruptcy
2 shows: 430 & 7:30-beautiful white tigers, camels, horses, elephants and so much more-purchase tickets at the door-$15.00 per adulst which allows 2 free children per paid adult-$2.00 additional children
Southern Classic Gun & Knife Show returns December 17-18-One more chance for Christmas shopping!!!! Saturday 9-5, Sunday 10-4-$8.00 admission, 12 & under free!
BBSD Roller Derby December 10-Toys for Tots-please come out and support this great cause-doors open @ 6pm bout at 7pm.
PUBLIC A U C T I O N SAT. JUNE 18th • 10am FAIRGROUNDS • FT WALTON BCH, FL. 1958 LEWIS TURNER BLVD. VIEWING: FRI. 17th, 10am - 6pm • SAT. 8am 'til AUCTION ESTATE ITEMS • BANKRUPTCIES • MUNICIPAL • TOOLS & EQUIPMENT MANY ESTATE ITEMS • ANTIQUES,BRONZES,COLLECTIBLES,TOOLS, ARTWORK, SOME JEWELRY, GLASSWARE, COLLECTIBLES, CLOCKS, PRIMITIVES,APPLIANCES,FURNITURE & MORE !! (ESTATE ITEMS FROM FAMILY TRUST). BANKRUPTCY • INCLUDES ITEMS FROM COURT (N. DIST. FL) CARS, TRUCKS, BOATS,TRAILERS(MUST SEE !),EQUIPMENT, LOTS OF TOOLS & MACHINERY,OTHER ......KEEP CHECKING PHOTOS ! SURPLUS FROM MUNICIPALITIES......KEEP CHECKING PHOTOS ! MORE INFO AND PHOTOS TO BE ADDED..KEEP CHECKING BACK ! AUCTION conducted at the Northwest Florida Fairgrounds, 1958 Lewis Turner Blvd., Fort Walton Beach, FL 32547 to the highest bidder June 18 2016, at 10:00 am. The public will have an opportunity to preview items from 10:00 am until 6:00 pm on Friday June 17 2016 and Saturday June 18 2016 from 8:00am to 10:00am. Auction will begin promptly at 10:00am. Additional information and pictures of entire inventory can be reviewed at No registration fees...come early to register & viewing, BUY AT YOUR PRICE, everything sold WHERE IS AS IS! Come buy at your price! Payment options: cash, checks, Master Card and Visa. Auctioneer License Information: AB2875
Lullabies & Mudpies tomorrow -come on out for all the bargains!!!!
The Ft Walton Beach Rodeo is coming to the fairgrounds June 10 & 11!!!!! There will be Bareback riding,steer wrestling,calf roping, team roping, barrel racing & so much more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ticket go on sale Monday May 2 at the Fairgrounds from 10am-3pm Monday-Friday-you DO NOT want to miss this!
Spring Fling as well as Lullabies & Mudpies open next week!
April is a busy month at the Fairgrounds-check out to see what is happening!!!!!!!